
In: Electrical Engineering

draw state machine and write verilog code of an ALU unit that shifts left when the...

draw state machine and write verilog code of an ALU unit that shifts left when the control signal 'OP' is 00, shifts right when control is ''01'' and increments when control is ''10''. Fpr control ''11'' , it does nothing. inputs are Date [3:0] and clk, and the output is Out [3:0]


Expert Solution

State diagram:

Verilog Code:

module ALU(input [3:0] Date, input [1:0] OP, output [3:0] Out);

assign Out=tmp(Date,OP);

function [3:0]tmp;

input [3:0]Date;

input [1:0]OP;



2'b00: tmp = Date<<1;

2'b01: tmp = Date>>1;

2'b10: tmp = Date+1;

2'b10: ;





RTL Schematic:

Simulation:(Test bench)

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module testalu;

// Inputs

reg [3:0] Date;

reg [1:0] OP;

// Outputs

wire [3:0] Out;

// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)

ALU uut (





initial begin

// Initialize Inputs

Date = 0;

OP = 0;

// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish


Date = 1;

OP = 2'b00;


Date = 1;

OP = 2'b01;


Date = 1;

OP = 2'b10;


Date = 1;

OP = 2'b11;



// Add stimulus here




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