
In: Operations Management

Question: What are the three of the most demanding topics in Organizational Behavior and their application...


What are the three of the most demanding topics in Organizational Behavior and their application within the workplace?

Describe and explain these issues and explain how its affect employees, and explain how organization can overcome these concepts by apply/implement effective strategies in the workplace.


Expert Solution

Organisational behaviour is the way an individual behaves and presents themselves in an organisation. Some of the topics which determine this organisational behaviour are performance, motivation and individual perceotions. The performance or productivity of an employee shows how well they have adapted to the organisation and how well they have the capacity to match the requirements of the organisation. The performance of an employee shows how they have accepted the job and the organisation. When the performance of any employee goes low it is the responsibility of the management to discuss and encourage the employee in regaining their confidence and improving their performance or productivity.

Motivation is another topic which determines the behaviour. The way an employee is motivated is reflected in the work they do and the way they behave at the work place. It is the responsibility of the management to make the employee comfortable and ensure proper training has been provided to that employee before setting them on worl . Correct motivation helps the employees perform well and hence reflect good organisational behaviour. For this the management needs to have training and proper strategies to monitor and encourage the employees.

Every employee has their own perceptions and the way they see things differ from each other. Hence the way they behave also differ and hence working as a team is a tough task for employees. This makes the employees distance themselves from others and many differences arise.Organisations need to cultivate a common thinking in employees regarding work by setting them goals and targets so that they leave their individual perceptions and work as a team .

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