In: Anatomy and Physiology
-Which organs produce digestive enzymes? Where does digestion occur? Where does digestion start? Where does most nutrient absorption occur? Where does most water reabsorption occur? How are fats absorbed into the body? What is the role of cholecystokinin?
-Thinking back to earlier in the class: Be able to determine how pH and oxygen impact solute transport across the intestinal epithelium. How is transport of a solute impacted by concentration gradient? How could you determine if transport is dependent on sodium, pH, oxygen, transport proteins? How do these factors impact transport rate?
The almost gastrointestinal tract comprised of exocrine glands that secrete specific digestive enzymes, except terminal portion of small intestine (ileum), and whole the large intestine. Example :- Salivary glands in the mouth (salivary amylase), Gastric glands in the stomach secrete pepsin and lipase, Liver produces bile salts for the emulsification of fats, Exocrine part of the pancreas secretes pancreatic juice acts as universal digestive enzymes for almost food components, and glands present in the duodenum and jejunum part of small intestine.
The digestion food begins from the mouth and terminates to the jejunum (mid portion) of small intestine. Most of the food nutrients that formed after the digestive process, absorbed primarily in the ileum part of the small intestine.
Most the water content is absorbed via the large intestine, which is the terminal portion of the gastrointestinal tract. To absorption of fats or lipids, first they breakdown into small micelle molecules via the emulsification process of bile salts, secreted by the liver hepatocytes, then they digested into simpler food nutrients (fatty acids and glycerols) to get absorb into the enterocytes of small intestine.
The cholecystokinin is a hormone released by the endocrine cells of duodenum, and stimulates gall bladder to release stored bile and digestive enzymes from the pancreas into the intestine.