what is an ectopic pregnancy? where does implantation
of the fertilized egg usually occur? where does the remainder of
ectopic pregnancies occur? what are the treatment options for
ectopic pregnancies?
Describe how fertilization and implantation take place? Include
the listed parts as you describe the sequence of events that occur
(ovary, fimbriae, ampulla, oviduct, uterus (fundus and body),
cervical canal, vaginal tract). Write a brief list of the
differences between the 1st 2nd and
3rd trimesters of gestation?
-Which organs produce digestive enzymes? Where does digestion
occur? Where does digestion start? Where does most nutrient
absorption occur? Where does most water reabsorption occur? How are
fats absorbed into the body? What is the role of
-Thinking back to earlier in the class: Be able to determine how
pH and oxygen impact solute transport across the intestinal
epithelium. How is transport of a solute impacted by concentration
gradient? How could you determine if transport is dependent on
Describe the hormonal changes that occur as a result of
implantation, including production of human chorionic gonadotropin
(HCG) to maintain the corpus luteum and increased production of
progesterone by the corpus luteum
Describe the hormonal changes that occur as a result of
implantation, including production of human chorionic gonadotropin
(HCG) to maintain the corpus luteum and increased production of
progesterone by the corpus luteum
2)What is luteinizing hormone? What does it do?
3) what is the Component of Seminal Fluid in:
1) Cowper’s (Bulbourethral)
3)Seminal Vesicles