
In: Electrical Engineering

imulate/ code in verilog: Develop an electronic key system using the FSM (moore) methology. Use from...

imulate/ code in verilog:

Develop an electronic key system using the FSM (moore) methology. Use from student ID and use the last 4 digits:(0864)

if the number is <5 then = 1

if the number is >=5 then = 0

example: 8012345. Take last 4 digits (2345) which makes it 0001.

In my case, the last 4 digits are 0864, which makes it 0110

features of FSM (moore FSM):

input 4 bits serially,

if the sequence is correct, then you proceed to next state. Otherwise, go to error state, then go to rest state


Expert Solution

module fsm (input clock, X, output reg Z);

parameter REST=4'b0000, BIT1_C=4'b0001, BIT1_W=4'b0010, BIT2_C=4'b0011, BIT2_W=4'b0100, BIT3_C=4'b0101, BIT3_W=4'b0110, ERROR=4'b0111, NEXT=4'b1000; //define states

reg [3:0] current_state, next_state;

always @ (posedge clock)


current_state <= next_state;


always @ (current_state, X)


Z <= 1'b0; //output

case (current_state)

REST : if (X == 1'b0) //check for input '0'

next_state <= BIT1_C;


next_state <= BIT1_W;

BIT1_C : if (X == 1'b1) //check for input '1'

next_state <= BIT2_C;


next_state <= BIT2_W;

BIT1_W : next_state <= BIT2_W;

BIT2_C : if (X == 1'b1) //check for input '1'

next_state <= BIT3_C;


next_state <= BIT3_W;

BIT2_W : next_state <= BIT3_W;

BIT3_C : if (X == 1'b0) //check for input '0'

next_state <= NEXT;


next_state <= ERROR;

BIT3_W : next_state <= ERROR;

ERROR : next_state <= REST;

NEXT : Z <= 1'b1; // next_state <= REST; //uncomment this statement if design requires to reset after every successful key verification

default : next_state <= REST;





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