In: Operations Management
32. What is empirical research ? 37. Which research positions require a college degree and which ones only require high school diploma ? 41. What’s the difference between open-ended versus closed-ended questions. Which type is the most difficult to tabulate? 42. Which are double-barreled questions?
When the empirical evidences form the basis of certain research, then such a research is called as an empirical research. Such an observation of learning something new out of the research could be either direct in nature or in an indirect form. If the observations, however, are direct in form, then the analysis of the same can take place either in quantitative manner or in manner of qualitative. When evidences are quantified or some sense is drawn out of the qualitative observations, it enables the researcher to provide solutions to the empirical queries in a clearer manner on the foundation of such evidences so gathered.
For example: Researching the cause and effect relationship of a specific drug as designed by certain pharmaceutical company, upon the controlled groups or upon the groups that have been randomly chosen, depending upon the target audience of such a drug in the health market. DNA testing could also be part of empirical research.