
In: Operations Management

Describe a time when a change initiative at your company (or a previous one, or one...

Describe a time when a change initiative at your company (or a previous one, or one you have researched) failed. Describe ways that could have been used to overcome this resistance to change and choose and discuss an approach that could be used to managing this organizational change such as Lewin's Three Step Model, Kotter's eight-step plan, action research or organizational development. Also, discuss how the organization can embrace change by creating a culture of change by using one of three approaches: managing paradox, stimulating an innovative culture and creating a learning organization.

The paper is to be 5 to 7 pages in length!

Please list references as well!

Do not copy paste from previous question!


Expert Solution

Ten years ago, an ERP software change initiative failed at my organization. The reason for the failure is attributed to the resistance to change. The various reasons that caused the resistance to change include employee’s rejection to change by showing little interest in learning new technology. This type of resistance is referred to as the logical resistance (Soren Kaplan, 2018) that was experienced when accountants felt it hard to shift from traditional manual accounting methods in books to digital accounting as a result of the introduction of computers. Psychologically, the employee resisted change due to the fear of job loss, learning new skills and dislike to management etc.

Lewin’s three-step model (Lewin's Change Management Model, 2017) might have been used to overcome this resistance to change. The Lewin’s model of change is a simple and effective framework to manage change effectively. In the first step (unfreezing), a motivation to change is built. In this stage, it is essential to determine the need to change by surveying the current state of the organization and understand the reason to change. This has to be conveyed to the employees in a clear manner by the management to obtain their support. Stakeholder analysis is conducted to determine the change need and obtain the support of the employees

In the second step (changing), effective communications are promoted to empower the people to embrace change by adopting new practices and ways. This requires frequent communication with the employees describing the benefits of the change program and involving everyone in the change program. The most important and crucial aspect in this stage is to avoid the spread of rumors by communicating with the employees in a transparent manner and addressing problems quickly. Empowering employees and involving them in the change process is the key aspect of this step

In the third step (refreezing), a sense of stability is developed to create confidence in implementing the change. This step involves anchoring the change into the organization values and practices by developing ways (reward system, feedback system, leadership support systems etc.) to identify the drivers and overcome the barriers to change. Training is crucial in this step that acts as a huge driver to support change. In the end, the success of a change program needs to be celebrated.

An organization can embrace change by developing a learning organization by following the five major pillars of learning organization (David A. Garvin, 1993)

1. Systematic problem-solving – A systematic method of change driven by data-based decision making with an emphasis on precision and learning is crucial for learning to occur

2. Experimentation – This involves testing the knowledge and applies problem-solving techniques to identify the various issues and difficulties by developing demonstration projects

3. Learning from past experience – Santayana Review is used to not repeat the same mistake as occurred in the past and an IBM study concludes that failure teaches important lessons in life and is considered the ultimate teacher leading to success

4. Learning from others – This involves benchmarking process or adopting standards based on the industry practices

5. Transferring knowledge – Reports, tours, conventions, educational training program, written, visual, oral communication, site visits, excellence programs and other techniques are used as a medium to transfer knowledge in an effective manner


Soren Kaplan. (2018). The concept of change management. Inc publication

Lewin's Change Management Model. (2017). Mindtools publication

David A. Garvin. (1993). Building a Learning Organization. Harvard Business Review. August issue

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