In: Finance
What is a research paper? What is the purpose of research?
What are the criteria of good research?
What is the purpose of hypothesis testing?
The differenee between qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis ?
The difference between semi-logarithmic model and log-logarithmie model ?
The difference between time series data, cross sectional data, and panel data?
What is a research paper? What is the purpose of research?
A research paper is a piece of academic writing based on its author's original research on a particular topic, and the analysis and interpretation of the research findings. It can be either a term paper, a master's thesis or a doctoral dissertation.
There are three most influential and common purposes of research i.e. exploration, description and explanation.
Exploration involves familiarizing a researcher with a topic. Exploration satisfies the researcher's curiosity and desire for improved understanding. Exploration tests the feasibility of undertaking a more extensive study. Exploration helps develop the methods that will be used in a study.
Description involves describing situations and events through scientific observation. Scientific descriptions are typically more accurate and precise than causal ones.
Explanation involves answering the questions of what, where, when, and how. Explanatory studies answer questions of why.
What are the criteria of good research?
Some of the criteria of good research are as follows.
What is the purpose of hypothesis testing?
Hypothesis testing is one of the most important concepts in statistics because it is how you decide if something really happened, or if certain treatments have positive effects, or if groups differ from each other or if one variable predicts another.
The differenee between qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis ?
The difference between semi-logarithmic model and log-logarithmie model ?
In a semilogarithmic graph, one axis has a logarithmic scale and the other axis has a linear scale.
In log-log graphs, both axes have a logarithmic scale.
The idea here is we use semilog or log-log graph axes so we can more easily see details for small values of y as well as large values of y
The difference between time series data, cross sectional data, and panel data?
Cross-sectional data
In the cross-sectional data are available for individual and observation
They refer to a given point in time. In most studies,
individuals surveyed are people (for example, in the Labour Force Survey
(EPA), over 100,000 people are interviewed each quarter), households (eg,
Household Budget Survey), companies (eg Survey
Industrial companies) or other operators. Surveys are a typical source
for cross-sectional data. In many contemporary econometric studies
cross-sectional sample size is quite high.
In the cross-sectional data, observations must be obtained
by random sampling, which means that the observations are
independent. The order of the comments in the cross-sectional data
no matter for econometric analysis. If the data are not obtained with a sample
random, we have a problem of sample selection.
So far we have referred to micro data type, but can also be
have cross-sectional data relating to aggregate units such as countries, regions,
etc. Of course, such data are not obtained by random sampling.
Facts panel
Panel data (or longitudinal data) consist of cutting remarks
cross repeated over time. Thus combined data panel
elements of cross-sectional data and time series. These data sets
They consist of a set of individuals (usually individuals, households or businesses)
respondents repeatedly over time. In modeling it is adopted
generally the assumption that individuals are independent of each other, but,
for a given individual, observations over time are mutually
dependent. Therefore, the order within a cross section of a set of
panel data does not matter, but the order in the time dimension is relevant. Otherwise
we consider the time data panel, it said that we are using data
sectional grouped (pooled).
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