
In: Finance


ENT 4412 – ENTREPRENEURIAL FINANCE COURSE RESEARCH PAPER 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to enable you to apply the concepts and ideas that you learn in class. Its intention is to complement your understanding of the measurable objectives. It is good practice on performing research, using the library and internet, organizing and presenting your ideas in writing and creating a presentation to inform and convince others about your conclusions. It is an individual research paper. Florida National College is embarking on a Quality Enhancement Program (QEP) named ’Write it Right’ to improve writing skills of the student body. In order to align with this program I will be stringent in grading these papers to insure they meet the requirements stated below. I strongly suggest you visit the Writing Lab in Room 413 at the Hialeah Campus for help with writing your paper. 2 TOPIC You will be required to develop an opening, management, and financing plan for an entrepreneurial firm. The firm you choose can be at any stage of development: startup, early stage, growth, mature, etc. At the heart of any new venture is an idea for a product or service, and the belief that it is achievable. To begin this project, students need to determine their area of interest from which to create a viable business. A good business plan is essential to leading entrepreneurs to a strong strategy and successful execution of a business endeavor!!! The plan should be a cohesive, well-written document that analyzes and presents sections such as the following: 1. Executive Summary 2. Management and Organization 3. Product or Service Plan 4. Marketing Plan 5. Operating and Control Systems 6. Growth Plan 7. Financial Plan 8. Supporting Documents/Appendices


Expert Solution

I have the area of interest in E-commerce industry.

Business Idea/Product Plan

We are planning a new start up in the world of e-commerce industry. We will be starting with a new online business for clothing and accessories, where for the first time customers will be able to make customizations in their selected clothes, accessories. They will be able to give us the specifications regarding the design, color, size etc they want for their clothes and we will stitch the same and send them. Also, they will be able to purchase the pre-stitched clothes of different brands from around the globe.

Management of our Company

The company will be managed initially by 5 full time partners of the firm. The firm will be a LLP. Each partner will handle one area such as finance area, marketing area, purchase area, sales & distribution area and compliances area. They will be alloted with other full time/part time employees under them who will carry on business as per the directions of their respective managers.


Marketing will be handled by one partner who will market the website on various platforms such as award functions, realty TV shows, youtube, newspapers, mails etc.

Finance and Growth Plan

Initially all the 5 partners wil bring on cash and other assets required for the business. Also, finance will be available through bank loans. After the website and business has been developed and is into motion and start profitability, we will be opening physical shops in each state and each big cities. We will be bringing the IPO for the website once we fulfil the regulatory requirements.

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