
In: Operations Management

First, think about how the attributes such as pitch, volume, pace and articulation of a speaker’s...

First, think about how the attributes such as pitch, volume, pace and articulation of a speaker’s voice can be positive or negative in a speech. Give specific examples of when these would be the case. Second, identify a public figure who you feel has an exceptional voice. Explain what factors make his or her voice so exceptional, using the attributes you discussed in the first part of the discussion.


Expert Solution

By using the pitch variation, a speaker can make his or her presentation more interesting as this will prevent the words or sentences to sound same and thus removing the dimension of monologue which can indicate to the audience about the disinterest of the speaker. But if the pitch variation is overused there can be the chance that the inherent meaning of the message gets changed. Having the right volume is also important which enables the listeners to listen to presentation without any strain. If the volume is too loud or too soft then listeners many not listen quite well. The audience can be engaged by the quality messages. At the same time t,he audience can lose interest in too complex or too generalize sentences are used.

By having the correct pace, the message can be understood by the listeners and thus enough time is provided to understand. If the speaking is done quite fast, fatigue can be generated in both the listeners and the speakers. If the speaker speaks too slow then it will create boredom among the audience. The speakers who speak rapidly, are considered to be confident in comparison to the slow speakers. Correct Attribution of words can help the audience to understand the entire message.

A typical example of a good public speaker can be Mr Barrack Obama. While speaking he uses correct articulation of words which can be understood by all. He is a prolific speaker can speak on any topic and have a correct voice modulation and pitch variation. His speaking is not never too shallow or too complex for people to understand

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