In: Nursing
#. Christians have varying views about sickness and healing based on their denomination.Some Christians see sickness as punishment from God due to their sins while others see it as atest from God regarding their faith. Essentially, Christians should believe that God cares abouttheir spiritual and physical life. God created the human body, and he delights when people areenjoying health and strength. However, sometimes the body can endure sickness and painbecause of ailments. Sometimes, healing can occur dramatically as in the biblical cases whereJesus and his disciples healed people miraculously. Christians ought to think that God still worksto heal people in many ways that defy medical understanding and it is not wrong to pray forGod's healing. Notably, the bible advice people to keep praying for the fulfillment of their needsincluding freedom from pain and suffering. However, healing does not always occur even to themost loving, God-fearing persons. Scripture is very clear that if we do not receive healing here,then we ought to wait for better things to come .