
In: Nursing

Often times, children today are referred to as "the hurried child". This is because the demands...

Often times, children today are referred to as "the hurried child". This is because the demands on children are so great in our current society. Please complete a short "day in the life" journal entry scenario of an individual in middle childhood. This should be set up like a journal/diary entry from that child's perspective. Make sure that you include ways in which the idea of "the hurried child" is evident.

Please note that although you're writing from a child's perspective.


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"day in the life" of a hurried child

  • You know right from morning I get pushed by my dad and mom to hurry up to school
  • I rush to school bus like a bullet
  • Teacher at the school want me to study everything immediately after they teach me
  • I have very little time for play
  • I have to hurry to finsh my lunch
  • When I return home parents are again after me
  • They want me to finish all my homeworks like a flash
  • They interrupt when I play games
  • They are impatient when I take longer to finish my dinner
  • Finally I rushed to bed and I had a hectic day like most of my friends

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