In: Psychology
the following are tge benefits of using socilogical concepts in own life
it helps to have a better understanding about the self
it help to have a mutidimesnioanl approch in lfe that include socila and psychological factors
it helps in having self asessment through looking glass self theory by CH cooley, theory of suicide by emilie dukeirm etc.
It helps to have a better understanding of assimilation in my community
It helps me to understand the stereotypes, discrimnation, and prejuduices that are prevailing in my community and sorroundings
the social factors that contribute fro choosing the career are
the discrimination existing in the society to the balck community
To work with people of different culture in my society with better understnding about them
to work towrads a pluaralist society that accepts every culture
To undersatnd the reason behind different social, cultural and perosnla behaviour in my society
To understanbd about the root cause of alcoholisma nd drug absue seen in my society and to work with individuals
To accept people with what they are and to mainatin an objectivity to differecnt social realities