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Week 3 Discussion: Implementation of EHR 33 unread replies.33 replies. Due: Post your initial response by...

Week 3 Discussion: Implementation of EHR

33 unread replies.33 replies.

Due: Post your initial response by Wednesday night at 11:59pm Pacific Time.

Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts by Sunday night at 11:59pm Pacific Time.

Implementation of EHR

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages associated with implementing and using a regional and national EHR.

Response Posts: In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. In your responses to your peers, you might contribute to the discussions with your own original opinions or interpretation of the course materials and include at least one citation from our textbook.


Expert Solution

What Are the Benefits of Electronic Health Records?

Examples of the numerous benefits of electronic medical records in hospitals and other healthcare facilities include:

  • Improved Quality of Care: Computerized notes are often easier to read than a physician's handwriting. This reduces the risk of errors and misinterpretations that can negatively impact the quality of patient care.
  • Convenience and Efficiency: Medical and office staff no longer have to waste time sorting through cumbersome paper records. Users can access electronic health records quickly and efficiently with just a few strokes on a keyboard.
  • Saving Space: Electronic health records eliminate the need to store documents in bulky file cabinets, which frees up more space in the office for medical supplies and equipment and other essentials.
  • Patient Access: Many EHR systems include a patient portal that allows patients to view their medical history and information whenever they wish.
  • Financial Incentives: Installing a certified EHR can help you fulfill the Meaningful Use requirements for Medicaid and Medicare, making you eligible for various incentives from the federal government.

What Are the Disadvantages of Electronic Health Records?

There are also several disadvantages of electronic medical records, such as:

  • Potential Privacy and Security Issues: As with just about every computer network these days, EHR systems are vulnerable to hacking, which means sensitive patient data could fall into the wrong hands.
  • Inaccurate Information: Because of the instantaneous nature of electronic health records, they must be updated immediately after each patient visit — or whenever there is a change to the information. The failure to do so could mean other healthcare providers will rely on inaccurate data when determining appropriate treatment protocols.
  • Frightening Patients Needlessly: Because an electronic health record system enables patients to access their medical data, it can create a situation where they misinterpret a file entry. This can cause undue alarm, or even panic.
  • Malpractice Liability Concerns: There are several potential liability issues associated with EHR implementation. For example, medical data could get lost or destroyed during the transition from a paper-based to a computerized EHR system, which could lead to treatment errors. Since doctors have greater access to medical data via EHR, they can be held responsible if they do not access all the information at their disposal.

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