
In: Nursing

Please answer without plagirism List at least 3 environmental and lifestyle factors that you personally think...

Please answer without plagirism

List at least 3 environmental and lifestyle factors that you personally think have contributed the most to America's overweight and obesity trend. Make sure to explain why you think your choices are the top three.

  • Some environmental/lifestyle factors to consider include:
    • Food environment, portion sizes, home-cooked meals vs take out, restaurants
    • Emotions, stress, sleep habits, prescription drug use, smoking cessation
    • Sedentary lifestyle, television, the community environment, etc.
    • Why is the government so concerned with the growing obesity trend in the United States? What are they doing about it?
    • What do you think would be the best strategy to stop the obesity trend in the US? List two changes you would make if you were in charge of your community.  
    • Consider your own weight and caloric intake. View your NutriCalc Plus reports. Do you typically meet your DRI energy recommendations? Is your energy (calorie) intake too low, or too high? Are you able to maintain a healthy weight with your current intake?  
    • What strategies do you use to maintain a healthy weight? If you are not at a healthy weight (underweight or overweight), what factors are most challenging to you as you seek to achieve and maintain a healthy weight?  


Expert Solution

List at least 3 environmental and lifestyle factors that you personally think have contributed the most to America's overweight and obesity trend.

1. Stress: Stress is a major factor that can contribute to obesity.There may be many reasons for a individual to develop stress, they include financial insecurity, loss of spouse, any serious disease condition, lacj of job, work side preesure etc. All these can contribute to stress and anxiety among the individuals. So during the extreme stress time, the stress hormones such as cortisol can be produced in excess amount. Most of the individuals find a relief from the excess stree by binge eating. they find joy in eating fast food and try to relief their stress.They feel comfort with eating variety of food items such as food high in fat, artificial sweetners, saturated fat etc. Thsi can contribute to the development in obesity. This stress related obesity is commonly seen among the females.

2. Home-cooked meals vs take out: usually in home, healthy diets are prepared with all the available sources. So only a less proportion of the Us people consume the homely prepared meals. Most of the time, because of the heavy work schedule, small family norm and heavy working environment they are forced to consume the food items from outside home, especially in hotels. In hotels and outside usually the food is prepared with locally available cheap chemicals and artificial colors. Most of the fast food items contains chicken, red meat etc. They are very rich in unhealthy fat. Continuous intake of these food can contribute to the development of obesity. Especially adolescents and teenagers are consuming the outside prepared food. Incresed consumption of artificial food sweatners, red meat, chicken foo ditems, artificial colors can contribute to the development of obesity.

3.Sedentary lifestyle: This is an another major reason for obesity. Usually in sedentary life style pattern they lack adequate physical activities, exercise etc. Most of the time they are travelling in cars, metro etc. In office also sitting in front of computer and doing their work. In between break, they will go for tea break and some other snacks. All these can together contribute to the development of obesity.

Why is the government so concerned with the growing obesity trend in the United States? What are they doing about it?

Increased obesity can cause serious health problems like life style diseases, hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, vascular diseases etc. Major portion of the US population is affected with Obesity. The reasons for which includes lack of physical activity, extreme stress, medication use etc.this can cause serious impact on the nations health status. Increased rate of obesity is associated with high mortality and morbidity rate among the US individuals. The childrens are also developing obesity in their yound age and later serious health problems are developing for them also.

The government has launched many programmes to overcome this particular issue.they implimented special nutritional programmes for childrens, women, lactating women and for elderly.The presidential youth fitness programme and other activities and programmes to engage in physical activities are launced by the government. This encouraged childrens and young men to actively participate in physical fitness activities. Various prevention and control programmes of obesity was launched by the government. Various community education programmes and activiteis are carried out in the community also. In schools healthy diet plans and diet menus are created for school childrens to maintain a healthy diet.Apart form that more fruits and vegetables are also included in school diet.

What do you think would be the best strategy to stop the obesity trend in the US? List two changes you would make if you were in charge of your community.  

  • Increse the physical fitness programmes among the US population
  • Early health education regarding the preventive measures of obesity among childrens.
  • Restricting the use of over the counter dose medications.
  • Decrease the prescription of unnecessary medications.
  • Intiate the health promotion activities in schools.
  • Start healthy diet plans and menus in hotels.
  • Make physical exercise as a part of regular life.
  • Change the lifestyle, do maximum manual works, avoid machines use.
  • Educate the community.
  • Carry out early detection activities in community.

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