
In: Biology

During what part of interphase are the chromosomes replicated? Question A options: 1) G 2 2)...

During what part of interphase are the chromosomes replicated?

Question A options:


G 2




G 1


Question B (1 point)

What is the name of the area (2) that the two copies of chromatids remain attached in a chromosome?


Question B options:


short arm








Question C (2 points)

Match the four phases of mitosis with the characteristic on the right that best describes its phase, or a part of its phase.

Question C options:










Chromosomes shorten and thicken, becoming visible


chromosomes line up in the middle or equator of the cell


Chromatids are pulled to opposite sides of the cell


nuclear envelope reappears and chromsomes thin out


Question D (1 point)

In humans, the cells that are generated at the end of meiosis (both I and II) are called:

Question D options:




diploid cells


somatic cells


Question E (2 points)

Question E options:

Male gametes are called

and female gametes are called


Question F (2 points)

Choose all of the correct statements below that pertain to homologous chromosomes:

Question F options:


homologous chromosomes pair up in Prophase 1


Homologous chromosomes separate in Anaphase II


homologous chromosomes are the same length, and contain the same genes.


homologous chromosomes are present in the haploid cells at the end of Meiosis I


Question G (1 point)

At the end of meiosis I and II, there are:

Question G options:


4 haploid cells


2 diploid cells


4 diploid cells


2 haploid cells


Expert Solution

question A: S phase of the interphase is the part where the chromosomes are replicated.DNA replication is confined to this part only.

question B: centromere is the area where 2 copies of the chromatids remain attached. sister chromatids are kept together a protein cohesin which is a member of structural maintenance of chrmosome(SMC) family of proteins.

question C: telophase - nuclear envelop reappears and chromosomes thin out.
metaphase- chromosome line up in the middle or equator of the cell.
anaphase- chromatids are pulled to opposite sides of the cell.
prophase- chromosome shorten and thicken, become visible.

question D: in humans, the cells that are generated at the end of meiosis (both I and II) are called gametes.

question E: male gametes are called as sperm.
female gametes are called as ova or egg cell.

question F: 1,3 & 4 options are correct. see explaination below
1. homologous chromosome pair up in prophase I to form a bivalent which is a grouping of 2 chromosomes tightly and each chromosome consist of 2 sister chromatids.

2. homologous chrmosomes are separated in anaphase I by the enzyme separase. but in anaphase II sister chromatids are pulled apart by nuclear spindle fibers.

3. homologous chrmosomes are of the same length and contain same genes since the allelic forms are different one is inherited from father and one is inherited from mother. so codes for different traits in their allelic form.

4. meiosis I segregates homologous chrmosomes by producing 2 haploid gametes. this haploid cell containing a single copy of each homologous chromosome.

question G: at the end of meiosis I and meiosis II , there are 4 haploid cells.

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