
In: Nursing

nutrition and its correlation to good health of populations cannot be over emphasised especially in developing...

nutrition and its correlation to good health of populations cannot be over emphasised especially in developing countries,

1.list and discuss the conclusions of nutrition as a problem

2. identify and discuss the factors which hamper the health systems progress.


Expert Solution

1. Common nutritional problems in developing countries are

-protein energy malnutrition

-vitamin A deficiency


-iodine deficiency

These problems are caused by poverty and high rate of infections.

But when we discussed about nutrition as a problem we should think about overconsumption, poor dietery quality and food choices.

Nowadays we have many food related problems are commen like obesity, heart diseases, stroke etc in developing countries like India.

However, Food insecurity is always remains with the poor. They have no choices.

2. Here we are going to discuss about the important factors which hamper or obstruct the progress of health system are

- economic status

-communicable diseases

- population

- calamities

Economic status of a country will affect the health care system. They need to find fund raisers to provide good quality nutrition and medications.

Communicable diseases are also affecting the progress by increasing the number of patients than availability of the health facility.

Population is very important factor affecting the system. And calamities like Tsunami, cearth quake etc are also affecting.

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