In: Finance
Why does the Statement of Net Assets differentiate the restricted net assets from unrestricted net assets?
Statement of Net Assets differentiate the restricted net assets from unrestricted net assets because of following reasons:
The difference between the both arises only because of restrictions imposed on net assets.
1) Unrestricted Net Assets:
a) These net assets are donations to non- profit organization which can be used for any kind of expenses to the
extent of legitimate purpose of the non profit organization for their services.
Ex: General Donations.
2) Restricted Net Assets:
a) These net assets are donations to non- profit organization which can be used for Specific purpose (or) Project of
the non profit organization.
b) Restricted Net Assets are divided into 2 types .
1) Temporarily Restricted Net Assets, that are earmarked by the donor for specific purpose and must be used
within specific duration of time.
Ex: Donations to construct building.
2) Permanently Restricted Net Assets, that are maintained forever but proceeding of that invested funds will
be used for that specific purpose.
Ex: Poor Feeding Funds, Scholarship Funds etc.
3) Donor can transfer the restricted net assets to unrestricted net assets up on his wish.
Conclusion: Because of these differences, The net assets are classified as restricted net assets and unrestricted net
assets to make clearly visible to readers of financial statements.