
In: Nursing

To improve the nation's health and resolve disparities among its vulnerable populations, it is important to...

To improve the nation's health and resolve disparities among its vulnerable populations, it is important to know the social medical determinants, as well as the potential points of intervention. Describe in detail the social and medical determinats contribution to these disparities. Explain how social, medical, health care and individual leel interventions can resolve these problems.


Expert Solution

Introduction: There is always a co-relations that makes us understand that as the status and economy of a country improves ,so the health of its people improves.

Luckily, technology plays a vital role in improvement of Health Care Delivery.

Determinats that contribute to improve Nations Health are:

  • Policy Making
  • Social Factors
  • Health Services
  • Individual Behavioour
  • Biology and Genetics

It is the interrelationship among these factors that determines the health of a population.

Policy Making: Some policies affect entire group of population over a period of time while others bring about change in individual behaviour.

Policies at the local level, state level as well as federal level affect individual and population health.

Social and Physical Factors: This represents the social and Physical condition of environment in which people are born, live their life, learn , play, work etc. Also these determinants impact wide range of health and its functioning.

Example of social determinants:

  1. Poverty
  2. Non availability of resource to meet daily needs such as education
  3. Exposure to crime and voilence behaviour
  4. Public safety

Example of physical determinants:

  1. Artificial environment such as buildings
  2. Exposure to toxic and hazardous substances
  3. Housing and neighbourhood in a neat environment
  4. Natural Environment such as plants, climate change.

Health Services: Lack of access to health care and health benefits impacts an inviduals health and in total the nations health.

Example: Acess to Health Insurance: When the population doesnot get access to health insurance, the Quality of health is out of reach of the popoulaiton.

Barriers to Access Health Service are: Non-availability, High expenditure, Lack of insurance coverage etc.

Individual Behaviour: Individual behaviour and their decisions play vital role in bringing about health in the nation.


  1. Maintaining a habit of hygiene
  2. Quiting alcohol, cigarete smoking and drugs
  3. Intake of good diet.

Biology and Genetics: This is a major determinants in a population as many of the times the biological as well as genetic influences are inherited.


  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Inherited diseases like hemophilia
  4. Carrier for genes in diseases like cancers
  5. Family History of medical conditions

Interventions to improve health care in a nation:

  • Firstly, there should be Priority set on improving health care needs.
  • Care has to be given from grassroot level, that is, the poor and needy and less educative group has to be taken care as they are more prone to many problems because of their less knowledge .
  • Patien centric care should be considered.
  • Training more physicians, nurses and allied workers is important to improve health of the nation.
  • Health education is important in the form of role play etc in villages which in totality will help nation improve in its health condition.Educate people how they can contribute in health related activities.
  • Setting up of Primary Health Care is very important.
  • Conduct Health Programmes.

Conclusion: Thus we can build up a strong nation which is disease free and build our younger generation giving quality health

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