Methanol is synthesized by the gas phase reaction: Stoichiometric amounts of CO and H2 are mixed...

Methanol is synthesized by the gas phase reaction: Stoichiometric amounts of CO and H2 are mixed in an evacuated vessel (i.e. no methanol is present initially), and the reaction is allowed to come to equilibrium. Calculate the equilibrium mole fraction of methanol under the following conditions.

CO+2H2-> CH3OH

(c) The equilibrium temperature and pressure are 365 K and 1 atm, the mixture behaves as an ideal gas and a more accurate description of the temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant is available where T is in K. ln K = 21.8158+9,052/(T)-7.663ln(T)+5.4075x10-3 (T)-5.75x10-7 (T2 )-6.75x103 /(T2 )

In: Other

Consider the daytime production of nitric acid from the reaction of OH. radical and NO2 in...

Consider the daytime production of nitric acid from the reaction of OH. radical and NO2 in the gas phase. The chemistry is given below with a rate coefficient of 16 ppbV-1 min-1.

OH. + NO2 -> HNO3

During the daytime, OH. concentration is 4x10-4 ppbV. If we start with 50 ppbV of nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen dioxide does not get replenished, how much nitric acid has been formed after one hour?

In: Other

A hexagonal close-packed cell is known to contain two atoms of the same type located at...

A hexagonal close-packed cell is known to contain two atoms of the same type located at the positions of (0,0,0,) and (1⁄3,2⁄3,1⁄2). Compute the structure factor Fhkl.

In: Other

The specific enthalpy of liquid n-hexane at 1 atm varies linearly with temperature and equals 85.8...

The specific enthalpy of liquid n-hexane at 1 atm varies linearly with temperature and equals 85.8 kJ/kg at 30.0 °C and 189.8 kJ/kg at 50.0 °C.

Determine the the constants a and b in the equation H∧ (kJ/kg) = a + b T (°C).

Determine the constants c and d in the equation H∧ (kJ/kg) = c[T (°C) – d].

What is the reference temperature for H∧ ?

Determine the values of e and f in the expression for U∧ (kJ/kg) = e + f T (°C).

Calculate the heat transfer rate required to cool liquid n-hexane flowing at a rate of 20.0 kg/min from 70.0 °C to 35.0 °C at a constant pressure of 1 atm. Estimate the change in internal energy (kJ/kg) as the n-hexane is cooled at the given conditions.

In: Other

A settling tank treating 5.5x10*6 L of water per day has dimensions as follows: length, 12.2m;...

A settling tank treating 5.5x10*6 L of water per day has dimensions as follows: length, 12.2m; width, 7.0m; depth, 3.5m. Calculate the detention time of water in the tank? Calculate the minimum particle (expressed as diameter of spheres) size that could settle the tank?

In: Other

(Q1) Explain the applications of the stability of the phases.

(Q1) Explain the applications of the stability of the phases.

In: Other

A system may follow various paths while going from one state to another. Depending on the...

A system may follow various paths while going from one state to another.

Depending on the path followed, the process may be isochoric, isobaric, isothermal, or adiabatic.

You are supposed to analyze the evacuation of an uninsulated, high-pressure rigid tank filled with a gas at ambient temperature by:

(a) Drilling a very small hole on the surface of the tank.

(b) Turning on a very large valve placed on the top of the tank.

explain which process the gas remaining in the tank undergoes in these two cases above.

In: Other

A2. Below are the chemical structures of fat, vitamin C, and THC (the active ingredient in...

A2. Below are the chemical structures of fat, vitamin C, and THC (the active ingredient in the drug marijuana). The fat and THC molecules contain lots of carbon atoms, which makes them very nearly nonpolar. Chemicals that are fat-soluble are retained in fat cells for long periods of time. Chemicals that are water-soluble are quickly excreted by the body. Explain the following: (a) A person who uses marijuana will test positive for THC for several weeks after using this drug. Why? (b) The recommended daily allowance of vitamin C is 3 g/day. Why should vitamin C be consumed every day?

In: Other

As you know, it takes energy to separate mixtures. You will learn this in more detail...

As you know, it takes energy to separate mixtures. You will learn this in more detail in the separations course. The idea is simple, if it takes work to separate mixtures, we should be able to produce work by making mixtures! The next question is where can we find large size streams to mix to produce significant work? The answer is simple too. Let’s go where the rivers meet the ocean! Suppose we wish to extract work when fresh river water flows into the ocean. Analyze this possibility by exploring potential ways of extracting some of the mixing energy into useful work. Once you have some ideas of how to do it, perform the actual analysis for a river of your choice in the United States. Do all the necessary calculations using appropriate thermodynamic models and make sure you estimate the maximum theoretical work that can be extracted as well.

In: Other

A cylindrical steel tank is coated with a thick layer of zinc on the inside. The...

A cylindrical steel tank is coated with a thick layer of zinc on the inside. The tank is 34 cm in diameter, 61 cm high and filled to the 27 cm level with aerated water. If the corrosion current is 5.9x10-5 A/cm2, how much zinc in grams per day is being corrode


In: Other

Suppose a tanker truck, carrying a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide destined for a pulp and...

Suppose a tanker truck, carrying a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide destined for a pulp and paper company, crashes on the highway. Should this dangerous chemical spill be neutralized or diluted? Discuss the pros and cons for each proposed solution.

In: Other

A steady-flow Carnot refrigeration cycle uses refrigerant-134a as the working fluid. The refrigerant changes from saturated...

A steady-flow Carnot refrigeration cycle uses refrigerant-134a as the working fluid. The refrigerant changes from saturated vapor to saturated liquid at 40 C in the condenser as it rejects heat. The evaporator pressure is 120 kPa. Determine: (a) the amount of heat absorbed from the refrigerated space; qL = _______________ kJ/kg (b) the net work input; and wnet = ______________ kJ/kg (c) the coefficient of performance of the system. COP = _____________

In: Other

An Otto cycle having a compression ratio of 7:1 uses air as the working fluid. Initially...

An Otto cycle having a compression ratio of 7:1 uses air as the working fluid. Initially p1 = 95 kPa,

T1 = 17 C, and V1 = 0.0038 m


. During the heat addition process, 7.5 kJ of heat are added.


(a) the heat rejected Q4-1 = __________ kJ

(b) the net work of the cycle Wnet = ________________ kJ

(c) the cycle thermal efficiency η = ________ %

(d) the mean effective pressure. MEP = __________ kPa

In: Other

Please answer the following questions. 1. does a centrifugal pump work on the positive displacement pronciple?...

Please answer the following questions.
1. does a centrifugal pump work on the positive displacement pronciple?
2. in laminar flow through a pipe, is the velocity profile linear across the diameter?
3. Are friction losses in a pipe independent of the roughness of the pipe at large reynolds numbers?
4. Does the fanning friction factor have unita of shear force per unit wall surface area of pipe?

In: Other

•Describe the consequences of performing a kinetics study with too wide a temperature range for a...

•Describe the consequences of performing a kinetics study with too wide a temperature range for a diffusion dominated failure mechanism? What errors would be caused?

In: Other