#1 A) Are the solutions made from these compounds acidic, basic or neutral solutions? a. NaF...

#1 A) Are the solutions made from these compounds acidic, basic or neutral solutions?

a. NaF b. RbCl c. Sn(NO3) d. MgS e. CrI3

#1 B) Acid/base strength

a. Put these in order of increasing basicity

CO3-2, I-, NH2-, HSO4-, OH-, NO3-

b. Put these in order of increasing acidity

HI, NH3, HCO3-, HF, H2O, HClO4

In: Other

Calculate the density (in g/cm3) of an AX compound given that it has the rock salt...

Calculate the density (in g/cm3) of an AX compound given that it has the rock salt crystal structure and that the radii of the A and X ions are 0.137 and 0.241 nm, respectively. Assume atomic weights of 30.7 and 100.2 g/mol for the A and X elements, respectively.

In: Other

Two moles of gas are confined in a piston–cylinder device. Initially, the temperature is at 300...

Two moles of gas are confined in a piston–cylinder device. Initially, the temperature is at 300 K and the pressure is 1 bar. The gas is compressed isothermally to 5 bar. If the ideal gas heat capacity is C ig P = 7R/2, find Q, W, ?U, ?H, and ?S if:

(a) the gas is ideal, or

(b) the gas satisfies the van der Waals equation of state with a = 5.0 × 106 bar · cm6/mol2 and b = 30 cm3/mol.

(c) Comment on the differences

In: Other

The separation of solid particles into different fractions based upon their terminal velocities in a liquid...

The separation of solid particles into different fractions based upon their terminal velocities in a liquid is called hydraulic classification. For example, consider two particles with different settling velocities placed in a rising current of water. If the water velocity is adjusted to a value between the terminal settling velocities of the two particles, a separation will result: the slower- settling particle will move upward with the water while the faster settling particle will settle out to the bottom.

A mixture of ground galena and limestone with specific gravities of 7.5 and 2.7, respectively, is to be separated by hydraulic classification using water at a velocity of 0.01 ms-1 and at a temperature of 20 C. The solid feed contains 20% Galena and 80% limestone on a dry mass basis and the following size analysis is applicable to both solids:

Diameter (um) 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

CUS (mass)% 33 53 67 77 83 88 91 93 100

Assuming free settling condition and spherical particles, calculate:

a. The size ranges of galena and of limestone particles that will be carried away in the water stream.

b. The mass fractions of galena and limestone in the overhead and bottom streams leaving the classifier.

c. Would it be possible to obtain pure galena in the bottom stream with water as the classifying fluid? If yes, what would be the water velocity required, and the product size range be? Show calculations to support your answers.

In: Other

Cyclohexane can be produced by reacting benzene with hydrogen: ??6??6 + 3 ??2 ? ??6??12 A...

Cyclohexane can be produced by reacting benzene with hydrogen: ??6??6 + 3 ??2 ? ??6??12 A fresh feed of benzene combined with 20% excess hydrogen is blended with a recycle stream and fed to a reactor. The recycle stream is 22.74% benzene and the rest hydrogen, on a molar basis. The reactor achieves a single-pass conversion of benzene of 20%. The reactor effluent is sent to a separator, where one stream is the recycle and the other is the product. It is desired to attain a 95% overall conversion of benzene. (a) To make that happen, what must be the ratio of the flow rate of the recycle stream to the fresh feed stream, in units of moles recycle per moles fresh feed? (b) What is the molar flow rate of the product stream? What are the mole fractions of chemicals in this stream?

In: Other

Fluid Mechanics Topic Why is it important to know if the flow is laminar or turbulent...

Fluid Mechanics Topic
Why is it important to know if the flow is laminar or turbulent ?
Like why do we care to know whether its laminar or turbulent.
Please i need a correct logical answer. It has nothing to do with reynolds number.

In: Other

In detail, describe how waste engine oil can be reused in car again, its application and...

In detail, describe how waste engine oil can be reused in car again, its application and treatment method.

In: Other

Categorize the following solvent recovery operation in terms of the waste management hierarchy. Discuss the pollution...

Categorize the following solvent recovery operation in terms of the waste management hierarchy. Discuss the pollution prevention features of this process. Determine whether this process is pollution prevention or not. Use both the federal definition and also the expanded definition adopted in this text. Process Description: The automotive industry uses robots to paint automobile bodies before attaching them to the chassis, and installing other components such as the drive train, lights, trim, and upholstery. In order to accommodate different colors, the paint lines must be flushed with a solvent and then re-charged with the new color paint. In the past, this solvent and paint residue was disposed of as hazardous waste or incinerated. The current process of spray painting automobiles uses a closed-loop solvent recovery process as outlined in the diagram below.

In: Other

For a hydrogen–oxygen mixture undergoing homogeneous explosion in the second-limit regime, show that the maximum [H]...

For a hydrogen–oxygen mixture undergoing homogeneous explosion in the second-limit regime, show that the maximum [H] production rate in terms of pressure variations is given by the relation 4k1 = 3k9[M].
Sketch/plot this relation as well as the second limit relation in the same graph. Discuss the results.

Combustion physics , Chung.K.Law
H+ O2 -> OH+O (H1)
O + H2 -> OH + H (H2)
H2 + OH -> H2O +H (H3)
H + O2 + M -> HO2 + M (H9)

d[H]/dt = (2k1 - k9[M])[H][O2]

In: Other

when we are solving a momentum transfer problem for a newtonian fluid we have two methods...

when we are solving a momentum transfer problem for a newtonian fluid we have two methods to solve :

1/ shell balance

2 / Navier Stokes equation

Q / when we are using Navier stokes equation. do we need continouity equations in order to solve the problem ? if yes please provide step by step method to solve the momentum transfer problem?

In: Other

Which one can achieve higher crystallinity: isotactic polypropylene or atactic polypropylene? Explain your reasoning .

Which one can achieve higher crystallinity: isotactic polypropylene or atactic polypropylene? Explain your reasoning


In: Other

A circumferential fin (k= 55 W/m C) of thickness 3 mm and length 3 cm is...

A circumferential fin (k= 55 W/m C) of thickness 3 mm and length 3 cm is attached to a pipe of diameter 3 cm. The fin is exposed to a convection environment at 23 C with h=25 W/m2 oC. The fin base temperature is 223 C. Calculate the heat lost (qf) by the fin.

In: Other

Explain why burnable poisons are used in the reactor at the beginning of life. Include the...

Explain why burnable poisons are used in the reactor at the beginning of life. Include the boron letdown curve and a discussion of under versus over moderated in your discussion.

In: Other

liquid oil is used in the tube side of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger with two shell...

liquid oil is used in the tube side of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger with two shell passes and four tube passes. water is heated in the shell side from 10°C to 50°C while the oil is cooled from 90°C to 60°C. the overall heat transfer coefficient is 53 W/m^2*K. the specific heat of the oil is 2.0 kJ/kg*K. Using the NTU - effectiveness method, calculate the area of the heat exchanger for a total energy transfer of 500 kW. what is the water flow rate for this heat transfer?

In: Other

The Business Club at Elk College Our VP of Marketing just learned the Business Club at...

The Business Club at Elk College

Our VP of Marketing just learned the Business Club at Elk College (BCEB) is hosting the State Conference of Business Clubs on April 9 – 11, 2018 at the Central Downtown Campus in Dallas, Texas. Jack Morton director of the club has requested an Information System to register, monitor and house participants for the conference. BCEB has requested through the Director of Computer Systems Support that (You), one of our Marketing officers, investigate and recommend an Information Systems for these tasks.

Background Information

The BCEB is the local chapter affiliated with the state organization which will Conduct and coordinate the conference. The primary need will be to register the estimated 250 students from 14 schools which are part of this Business Clubs organization. The students will be participating in one of four areas; interviewing skills, business presentations, financial planning or research, and development. Some of the schools have requested the registration can be handled online to eliminate tracking forms. Each school will have a faculty representative who will be responsible for their students.

The Old Downtown Inn will be the base hotel for the faculty and students while in Dallas. Manager, Jill Thomas, has worked with the school previously on other conferences. Jill calls and sends emails that she prefers handling the room reservations in a paperless manner.

As host of the conference, Jack Morton will need to be able to locate any student or faculty representatives at any time while in session between 8am and 6pm, during all 3 days. The registration system will also be used to schedule students into their events and also any special trips during the conference.

Your proposal (Student Summary Report) should contain your analysis information and details of a typical preliminary investigation, including your SWOT analysis, Internal / External analysis, data, charts, recommendations, and thoughts on the following:

1) What type of hardware and software platform would be needed to support this computer based system.

2) Based on the scope described in this Case studies background information, will this development need any outside contractors or help desk support?

3) Consider the use of online systems for the project.

4) What is the feasibility of completing and testing the system in the time frame between now (our case study timeline date) and April 2, one week prior to the conference?

5) For your proposal use the System Requirements Document section format and other document templates provided within your on-line course resources

In: Other