What are the main advantages of incorporating membrane technology in biological treatment such as ASP? Draw...

What are the main advantages of incorporating membrane technology in biological treatment such as ASP? Draw a schematic diagram of activated sludge process (ASP) and membrane bioreactors (MBRs). Label all streams and provide a brief description for mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS), return activated sludge, wastage sludge, hydraulic retention time, solid retention time, and F/M ratio.

In: Other

A liquid is stored in a vessel at 102 bar (absolute) from where it is transferred...

A liquid is stored in a vessel at 102 bar (absolute) from where it is transferred (at 1.5 kg/s) into another vessel via a 5 cm steel pipe (friction factor = 0.025). The pressure above the liquid surface in the second vessel is maintained at 2000 Pa (gauge). The pipe length between the two vessels is 200 m. Total minor head losses due to fittings, valves as well as entry and exit losses amount to 4,000 equivalent length in pipe diameters. The liquid level in the first vessel is 25 m higher than the liquid level in the second vessel. The specific gravity of the liquid is 0.9 while its viscosity is 0.76 mPa s. In order to recover excess energy, a turbine is integrated into the pipeline. (i) Calculate the Reynolds number for this liquid flow. (ii) Describe the characteristics of this flow in the context of its flow regime (laminar or turbulent). (iii) Estimate the power that can be recovered using the turbine (assuming it is 80% efficient).

In: Other

Q1. Describe the operation of a biofusion bioreactor. Q2. Why KLa of a bubble column reactor...


Describe the operation of a biofusion bioreactor.


Why KLa of a bubble column reactor is more than that of airlift bioreactor.


For mycellial pellet growth, how is adequate interrupted O2 supply maintained in case of large pellets?


Why is dynamic method for KLa determination in O2 concentration not allowed to drop below its critical level?


Describe hollow fibre reactor for the monoclonal antibodies by animal cell culture.

In: Other

Electrostatic precipitator question, I'm designing an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) to capture the particulate matter(fly ash) from...

Electrostatic precipitator question,

I'm designing an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) to capture the particulate matter(fly ash) from flue gas at 130C that exits from a coal-fired power plant.

My question is: how can i increase the efficiency of the electrostatic precepitator without conditioning the flue gas (ie. injecting so3 or ammonia or water)? what are the alternative ways to increase the efficiency of the ESP? please show references with solution. Thanks

In: Other

Question 8. When a polyethylene wax is chlorinated, chlorine replaces hydrogen at random. Invariably, small amounts...

Question 8.

When a polyethylene wax is chlorinated, chlorine replaces hydrogen at random. Invariably, small amounts of chlorine (10 - 50 mass % CI) cause a lowering of the softening point. However, large amounts (ca. > 70 %) raise the softening point. Rationalise this on the basis of expected morphologies and intermolecular forces.

In: Other

Air at 25 C and 750mmHg has a dew point of 16C. If you want to...

Air at 25 C and 750mmHg has a dew point of 16C. If you want to remove 50% of the initial moisture in the air (at a constant pressure of 750 mmHg), to what temperature should you cool the air?

In: Other

Equilibrium How is O2 transported form the lungs to the body’s tissues? By bonding to the...

Equilibrium How is O2 transported form the lungs to the body’s tissues? By bonding to the iron atoms of Haemoglobin in red blood cells, changing their colour from blue to red. Haemoglobin is a tetrameric molecule that can sequentially bind four oxygen molecules, but the equilibrium may expressed in simplified form for the first added molecule by this reaction:1 Hb(aq) + O2(g) ? HbO2(aq) = 0.84 kPa-1 What happens to the ratio of oxygenated HbO2(aq) to deoxygenated Hb(aq), i.e. when there is a high pressure of oxygen, PO2(g), in the lungs? The magnitude of K is critical for O2 to be pass first from lungs into red blood cells and then subsequently into the tissues. (a) If K was very small, would the equilibrium favour reactants or products in the above reaction? How would that affect the proportion of oxygenated HbO2(aq) to deoxygenated Hb(aq) in blood leaving the lungs? (b) Now consider the situation in the tissues of the body that rely on diffusion of oxygen from the bloodstream. If K was very large, how would that affect the amount of oxygen passing from blood into the tissues? (hint: Consider whether the forward or reverse reaction is required now)

In: Other

1. Fuels for motor vehicles other than gasoline are being evaluated because they generate lower levels...

1. Fuels for motor vehicles other than gasoline are being evaluated because they generate lower levels of pollutants than does gasoline. Compressed propane(C3H8) has been suggested as a source of power for vehicles. Supposed that in a test 30 kg of C3H8 is burned with 400 kg ofair(21mole%O2,therestN2)toproduce44kgofCO2 and12kgofCO.Inorderto calculate the percent excess air, follow the below steps.

(a) What are the molecular weights of C3H8, air(21 mole % O2, the rest N2), and O2? Hence what is the moles of air entering the system?
(b) Percentage of excess air is based on the complete combustion. Write down the stoichio- metric equation of relevant reaction. Check whether the reaction equation is correctly balanced.
(c) Calculate the theoretical air (moles of air required for complete combustion) and percent excess air.

2. A stream of air (21 mole % O2, the rest N2) flowing at a rate of 10.0 kg/h is mixed with a stream of CO2. The CO2 enters the mixer at a rate of 20.0 m3/h at 150? and 1.5 bar. What is the mole percentage of CO2 in the product stream. ( hint: you can assume the inlet stream of CO2 as an ideal gas. )

In: Other

1. Calculating the number of degrees of freedom (how many additional intensive variables must be specified...

1. Calculating the number of degrees of freedom (how many additional intensive variables must be specified to fix the system) from the phase rule for the following materials at equilibrium

(a) Pure liquid benzene (b) A mixture of ice and water only (c) A mixture of liquid benzene, benzene vapor, and helium gas
(d) A mixture of salt and water designed to achieve a specific vapor pressure

2. Explain what happen when you increase the temperature of liquid benzene and toluene mixture at a fixed pressure, using T-xy diagram.

3. Reynolds number is a dimensionless parameter defined for a fluid flowing in a pipe as Re = Du?/?, where D is a pipe diameter, u is fluid velocity, ? is fluid density and ? is fluid viscosity. What is the dimension of fluid viscosity in terms of the base dimension types?

In: Other

Centrifuge Parts (match the part in Column A with the one correct function in Column B)...

Centrifuge Parts (match the part in Column A with the one correct function in Column B)

Column A

1. Rheostat ______

2. Bucket _______

3. Trunnion ring _____

4. Brake _______

Column B

A. sets spinning time

B. speed control

C. tube holder

D. holds bucket

E. allow for faster slow down time ?

Types of Centrifuges (match the Centrifuge name in Column A with the one correct function in Column B)

Column A

5. Cytospine

6. Horizontal head

7. Microheamatocrit

Column B

A. greater speed than angle head

B. retains good cellular detail

C. spins capillary tubes in hematology

D. better separation of layers

8. An advantage of a horizontal head centrifuge is (may be more than 1 answer)

a) gives best separation of layers

b) spins faster than angle head due to less wind resistance

c) holds more tubes

9. 8 tubes of whole blood were placed in a centrifuge. The speed was set for 2000 rpm for 10 minutes. The imbalance light came on as soon as the instrument started spinning. Choose from the list below all possible causes

a) rubber cushion missing from 1 or more buckets

b) tubes not placed opposite each other in buckets

c) blood volumes for opposite tubes not equal

d) tube sizes not all the same

10. If a method required spinning at an exact gravitational force, you must know the Relative Centrifugal Force for that centrifuge for a specific speed. The 2 things that will influence the RCF are: a) speed of rotation (RPM) b) size of the centrifuge (distance of tubes from motor shaft) c) nature of the samples to be spun RCF = 1.12R(RPM/1000)2, R= radius

11.State the steps to be followed if a tube of serum breaks in a centrifuge.

In: Other

The theory of prepare PVA by hydrolysis of PVAc which is synthesis by emulsion polymerization of...

The theory of prepare PVA by hydrolysis of PVAc which is synthesis by emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate

In: Other

how can the diameter and hight and type of packed effect the prcess in scrubber column

how can the diameter and hight and type of packed effect the prcess in scrubber column

In: Other

1. Which of these can be statements of II law of TD? Check all that apply....

1. Which of these can be statements of II law of TD? Check all that apply.

(a) Heat can flow only from cold body to hot body with no work input

(b) Heat can flow only from hot body to cold body with no work input

(c) The entropy generation in a (system+ surroundings) CV is always positive

(d) A power cycle cannot have 100% efficiency

(e) All the heat input from a heat source to a power cycle can be converted to work.

2. The meaning of perfect gas assumption is (check all that apply)

(a) The gas obeys ideal gas equation

(b) The specific heats of the gas are independent of temperature

(c) Most gases can be considered perfect gases at high temperature and low pressure, far away from the critical point of the dome shape curve on the T-v diagram. With additional assumption that the CP and Cv don’t change with temperature, it becomes a perfect gas.

(d) All of the above

3. Which of the following processes are irreversible (check all that apply)

(a) Free expansion of gas into vacuum

(b) Deceleration of a block sliding on a flat ramp.

(c) Heat transfer from a hot body to cold body

(d) Melting of ice dropped in boiling water

In: Other

Despite having some of the most acidic precipitation ever recorded (acid fog), explain why the southwestern...

Despite having some of the most acidic precipitation ever recorded (acid fog), explain why the southwestern US doesn’t have as much problem with acid rain as the northeast.

In: Other

list all the esterification agent you know . and arrange them by reaction activity from strong...

list all the esterification agent you know . and arrange them by reaction activity from strong to weak

In: Other