The gas-phase, elementary reaction: 2A + 1/2B ----> C + 2D will be conducted in a...

The gas-phase, elementary reaction: 2A + 1/2B ----> C + 2D will be conducted in a constant volume, isothermal batch reactor. The reactor is initially charged with a stoichiometric ratio of A and B. The reaction is moderately exothermic and the heat of reaction will be removed via cooling water. The following data is available:

Initial Conditions: Initial concentration of A = Cao, initial concentration of B = Cbo

Cooling water: inlet temperature = Ta1, outlet temperature = Ta2, water heat capacity = Cp, water flow rate = m

Reactor conditions: reactor volume = V, heat transfer coefficient = U, heat transfer area = A, reactor pressure = Po=P

Material Properties: Heat capacities: Cpa, Cpb, Cpc, Cpd, heat of reaction = deltaHr, molecular weight of reactants and products = MWa, MWb, MWc, MWd, rate constant=k

a) plot the expected flow rate of coolant required to maintain isothermal conditions versus the reaction conversion.

b) Dvelop the expression that will allow the determination of the required flow rate of cooling water versus the reaction conversion.

In: Other

A process for making small amounts of hydrogen by cracking ammonia is being considered, and residual...

A process for making small amounts of hydrogen by cracking ammonia is being considered, and residual uncracked ammonia is to be r removed from the resulting gas. Design a tray type absorption column to remove NH3 from a gas stream using water as solvent. The gas stream (flow rate = 0.7 kg/s) consists of H2 and N2 (in the molar ratio 3: 1) and 3% NH3 by volume. The ammonia will be removed by scrubbing the gas countercurrently with pure liquid water (flow rate = 6 kg/s) in a sieve-tray tower. The exiting gas stream should have 1% NH3. Assume that only NH3 can dissolve in water, and other gases (N2+H2) are inerts. Conditions at bottom of tower: Temperature, T = 303 K, and Pressure = 200 kPa.


The number of stages (trays), tray spacing, and the diameter of the absorption column

In: Other

Find the adiabatic flame temperature for complete combustion with 130% theoretical air for pentane. (The pentane...

Find the adiabatic flame temperature for complete combustion with 130% theoretical air for pentane. (The pentane and air enter at standard reference conditions.)

In: Other

For a kerosene drop with an initial diameter of 1 mm in air at 700°C and...

For a kerosene drop with an initial diameter of 1 mm in air at 700°C and 1 atm absolute pressure, (a) find the time to vaporize 50%, 90% and 100% of initial mass of the droplet, and (b) what is the mass flow rate from the droplet when the droplet is 50% and 90% vaporized?

In: Other

A 1.000-L vessel contains a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane gases in unknown proportions...

A 1.000-L vessel contains a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane gases in unknown proportions at 20.9-bar and 25 °C. The gaseous mixture is found to have a mass of 13.10-g and a higher heating value of 414.10 kJ/mol. What is the composition of the gas?



yCH4= .2

In: Other

In this experiment, we will explore fermentation. As you read Chapter 13, one of the fates...

In this experiment, we will explore fermentation. As you read Chapter 13, one of the fates of pyruvic acid can be the production of carbon dioxide and ethanol. The pyruvic acid is made from carbohydrate by glycolysis. By measuring the amount of CO2 made over time, you can measure the efficiency of glycolysis. The basic experiment is relatively simple. 1. Prepare a sample of carbohydrate in water. Take note of the concentration in % (use volume or weight). 2. Completely fill a small juice glass with the carbohydrate mixture. 3. Add yeast to the mixture. Start with 1.4 tsp. 4. Mix the carbohydrate, water, yeast mixture. If you spill some make sure the juice glass is filled to the brim. 5. Place a flat-bottom bowl over the juice glass. 6. Invert both the bowl and juice glass together, being careful not to spill the contents. Now the glass is upside down in the bowl. 7. Watch the glass for at least 2 hours, recording the size of the bubble formed every 15 minutes. The size of the bubble can be estimated by measuring the height of the bubble in cm. Multiply the height by (1/4)x(diameter in cm)x(diameter in cm) x pi. Pi is approximate 3.14. (V= h x pi x r^2). Run this experiment 4 times (Since there is a lot of waiting, you can start a second experiment after you get the first started). One experiment should be a control, using no carbohydrate. Vary only one variable. For example, one student might test sucrose (table sugar), Karo syrup, and honey. Another student might vary the concentration of carbohydrate; 5%, 10%, 15%. Another student might vary the temperature: in an ice bath, room temp, in a 100 degree F oven. This is a case where I would like to see you design your own experiment. Make a lab report of your own design. It should have the following components:

1. Introduction and Objectives.

2. Procedure (What did you do?).

3. Results in tabular form.

4. Conclusion ( What do your results mean in terms of what you have learned about enzyme kinetics, glycolysis, and carbohydrate metabolism?)

In: Other

The transportation sector in the United States presently runs almost exclusively on petroleum-based derivatives (gasoline, diesel,...

The transportation sector in the United States presently runs almost exclusively on petroleum-based derivatives (gasoline, diesel, fuel). Research the following alternatives.


Diesel & biodiesel

Flex-fuel Ethanol

Natural gas




Fuel cell

Prepare a one-page paper outlining what you believe may be viable alternatives to the use of fossil fuels. May be assigned as a team or an individual assignment.

In: Other

different types of gas absorption columns- explain briefly

different types of gas absorption columns- explain briefly

In: Other

A stream of 70kg/hr superheated steam is used to heat 15kmol/hr nitrogen gas via a heat...

A stream of 70kg/hr superheated steam is used to heat 15kmol/hr nitrogen gas via a heat exchanger. The superheated steam at 3500C and 1 bar enters the heat exchanger and exits as saturated water liquid at the same pressure.The nitrogen gas is heated from 25oC to 300oC at constant pressure of 1atm.The heat exchanger is set up for countercurrent flow.

i)Draw and label the flowchart of the heat exchanger process by indicating all the input and output process variables.

ii)Determine the heat loss from the heat exchanger.

iii)If the saturated water liquid flows in a pipe with inner diameter of 2cm,estimate the rate of kinetic energy of the saturated water liquid.

iv)Propose one method to reduce heat loss.

In: Other

Procedure : Note : During the lab, look for a qualitative observation that proves CO2(g) is...

Procedure :

Note : During the lab, look for a qualitative observation that proves CO2(g) is denser than air.

(1)Weigh the empty 400mL Erlenmeyer flask with a rubber stopper on.

(2)Obtain few small pieces of CO2(s) in the flask. The total amount should be close to the given rubber stopper in size. Let it sublime. Make sure the pieces are small enough so you can see them ‘sing’ and ‘dance’.

* Should you have your rubber stopper on or off during the sublimation? Why?

(3) When sublimation is done, cap it with the stopper and weigh it. We are assuming that the container is completely filled with CO2 at this point.

* How can you be sure that there is no air left in the flask?

            * What does this mass contain?

In: Other

Can one get the repassivation potential of a stainless steel in a saline solution using the...

Can one get the repassivation potential of a stainless steel in a saline solution using the linear polarisation method (LPR)?

Explain your answer in 1-2 sentences.

In: Other

For the following pairs of alloys that are coupled in seawater, predict the possibility of corrosion...

For the following pairs of alloys that are coupled in seawater, predict the possibility of corrosion

Aluminum and cast iron

Inconel and nickel

Cadmium and Zinc

Low Carbon steel and copper

In: Other

1. Why organic solvent is often used in liquid-liquid extraction? 2. Name the adverse effects which...

1. Why organic solvent is often used in liquid-liquid extraction?

2. Name the adverse effects which occur when a trayed absorption tower operates at too high and too low vapor flow rate?

3. Component separation involving two or more phases (regardless of technique) occurs because systems want to achieve equlibrium and as a result, mass transfer occurs. In a scenario where this mass transfer is particularly slow, would it be more accurate to model a system based on phase equlibrium or mass transfer? Explain.

In: Other

In 1800 the main fuel used in the US was wood. (assume wood cellulose is C6H12O6)....

In 1800 the main fuel used in the US was wood. (assume wood cellulose is C6H12O6). In 1900 the main fuel used was coal ( assume coal is pure Carbon) In 2014 the main fuel is oil(assume it is isooctane) Assume that oin 2100 the main fuel will be Hydrogen(H2). Use a spreadsheet to prepare a graph of carbon dioxide releasedper kilojoule of energy produced.(y axis), as a function of year (x axis) from 1850 to 2050

In: Other

what would be an example model for artificial intelligence to treat pancreatic cancer ?

what would be an example model for artificial intelligence to treat pancreatic cancer ?

In: Other