Pressure Steam Vapor Compression Heat Recovery Reverse Osmosis Include a sketch (2 pts each) of each...

Pressure Steam

Vapor Compression

Heat Recovery

Reverse Osmosis

Include a sketch (2 pts each) of each system with components labeled, explanation (3 pts each) of the process, advantages and limitations (2 pts each), the typical size (1 pt each) of the shipboard plant types, current applications (1 pt each) and future trends (1 pt each)

In: Other

Metallurgy question: Reagent addition is very important to the froth flotation process. In this regard, below...

Metallurgy question:

Reagent addition is very important to the froth flotation process. In this regard, below are several reagent(mineral)/mineral combinations. Give the expected response the reagent will have on the mineral in terms of its surface chemistry and flotation behavior. In all cases identify the reagent in terms of its appropriate flotation term (i.e. collector, activator etc.).

a.       xanthate/FeS2 (pH 10)

b.       Cu++/ZnS

c.       dextrin/coal

d.       oleate (oleic acid)/ BaSO4 pH 10

e.       dodecylamine/SiO2 pH 5

f.       dodecylamine/SiO2 pH 1.5

g.       Fe2O3 particles (1 micron diameter)/ SiO2 particles (100 micron diameter), note desire to concentrate SiO2 with dodecylamine collector, pH 5.

In: Other

The reaction, C2H6(g) + Cl2(g) àC2H5Cl (g) + HCl (g), occurs in a continuous flow reactor....

The reaction, C2H6(g) + Cl2(g) àC2H5Cl (g) + HCl (g), occurs in a continuous flow reactor. 100 mol/hr of ethane and 125 mol/hr chlorine gas @ 25°C are fed to the reactor. Assume complete reaction of ethane. The reactor exit stream temperature is 200°C. Calculate the moles of each component of the feed and exit streams and the extent of reaction z. Calculate the heat released or absorbed (specify which) from the reactor using the heat of reaction method. The chloroethane heat capacity can be found in Perry's. For the Cpvalues from Table B.2 in your text, you may use just the “a” and “b” terms for simplicity.

In: Other

Metallurgy/Flotation question: It is desired to float pyrite, FeS2, from coal. Describe a method by which...

Metallurgy/Flotation question:

It is desired to float pyrite, FeS2, from coal. Describe a method by which this could be accomplished. In this description include all solution conditions and chemical additions required for the pyrite to be stable at the air/water interface. Clearly justify why flotation is either occurring or not for each solid type present.

        If quartz, SiO2, were present in this system would it float with the FeS2 under the conditions you described above, why or why not?

In: Other

On a chromatographic column one meter in length, operating with an efficiency of 10,000 plates, the...

  1. On a chromatographic column one meter in length, operating with an efficiency of 10,000 plates, the retention time of ?-chlorestne and ?-chlorestne are 4025 and 4100 seconds respectively. If these two compounds are to be separated with baseline resolution, can the desired separation be accomplished using this one meter column? The dead time of the column is 480 seconds.

In: Other

Eastown Industries conducted a Management of Change review for switching to a new propylene dichloride supplier....

Eastown Industries conducted a Management of Change review for switching to a new propylene dichloride supplier. The propylene dichloride was purchased in railcar quantities and unloaded into a large storage tank, from which it was metered into 55 gal drums for sale to customers. During the Management of Change review, it was identified that the supplier sometimes used aluminum railcars for other products. The shift supervisor raised the question of what would happen if the propylene dichloride was received in an aluminum railcar and remained on the siding for a few days before unloading its contents into the storage tank. 9 Use the NOAA Chemical Reactivity Worksheet (CRW) as a resource to decide if the propylene dichloride is compatible with the al

In: Other

heat capacity at constant pressure Cp=(dH/dT) the difference between H(enthalpy) and U(internal energy) is PdV=RT(in perfect...

heat capacity at constant pressure
the difference between H(enthalpy) and U(internal energy) is PdV=RT(in perfect gas)

Then, in real gas, how can I know the difference?

In: Other

A sandstone has a porosity of 25% and permeability of 300 md. Calculate the surface area...

A sandstone has a porosity of 25% and permeability of 300 md. Calculate the surface area Sp, the specific surface area per unit pore volume.

In: Other

A liquid octane (C8H18) enters a combustion chamber of a gas turbine stationary at 1 atm...

A liquid octane (C8H18) enters a combustion chamber of a gas turbine stationary at 1 atm and 25 °C, and burns with 300% of excess air that enters the chamber in the same state.

Determine the heat of combustion if the products come out at 226.85 °C (kJ/kg)

Determine adiabatic flame temperature (°C)

In: Other

A thermopane window consists of two pieces of glass each 0.1" thick separated by a layer...

A thermopane window consists of two pieces of glass each 0.1" thick separated by a layer of dry,
stagnant air .4" thick.
• Find the resistance of a 4 ft × 3 ft thermopane window.
• Suppose the window is made by fastening an aluminum border .1" thick all around the edge.
Find the total resistance for this configuration.
• As an alternative to the aluminum, we might use a border of .75" thick white pine. Find the total
resistance for this configuration. (For white pine, "across the grain", k = .087 Btu/hr ft °F).
• Calculate the heat loss for the two windows and compare with that for a single pane of .1" glass.

In: Other

For my lab on depositing thin films on a surface via thermal evaporation I was asked...

For my lab on depositing thin films on a surface via thermal evaporation I was asked hat would have happened if we had obtained different color metals on the samples after the thermal evaporation? The only thing I can think of is there was a leak in the vacuum chamber so a nonintended product could have formed via chemical reaction or chemical mixing. Can someone please give me a clearer answer. Thanks!

In: Other

In the design of large scale nitric acid project , explain in your own words 1....

In the design of large scale nitric acid project , explain in your own words

1. any consideration regarding heat recovery and,

2. the rationale for any decisions made on this aspect.

kindly explain in detail Thanks

In: Other

A spherical stainless steel (? = 7,800 kgm-3; c = 460 Jkg-1K-1; k = 17 Wm-1K-1;...

A spherical stainless steel (? = 7,800 kgm-3; c = 460 Jkg-1K-1; k = 17 Wm-1K-1; ? = 0.9) reactor of 1.0-m inner diameter and 1.0-cm wall thickness is filled with reactants (? = 1,100 kgm-3; c = 4,200 Jkg-1K-1) that are initially at 25 ?C. An exothermic reaction within the reactor generates heat uniformly at a temperature-dependent volumetric rate of Qoexp(-A/T), where Qo = 6 kWm-3, A = 85 K and T is the reactive mixture temperature in K. The exterior surface of the reactor is exposed to 25 ?C ambient air with a convective heat transfer coefficient of 20 Wm-2K-1, and also exchanges radiation with surrounding surfaces that are at 35 ?C. The reactant mixture is well stirred with a convective heat transfer coefficient of 250 Wm-2K-1 so that the temperature within the reactor is nearly uniform. You may neglect the thermal capacitance of the reactor wall and consider the instantaneous heat transfer rate through the reactor wall to be equal to the instantaneous rate of heat loss to the air and surroundings.

a) What is the temperature of the reactant mixture after 5 hours of process time?

b) What is the temperature at the outer surface of the reactor at that time?

c) What is the steady-state temperature of the outer surface of the reactor?

In: Other

1. The adsorbed ions comprising the Stern layer around a charged particle have the same charge...

1. The adsorbed ions comprising the Stern layer around a charged particle have the same charge (positive or negative) as the particle itself.


False, they have the opposite charge.

False, there are an equal number of positively and negatively charged ions in the Stern layer.

2. Both ionic and nonionic surfactants can stabilize colloidal dispersions by adsorbing onto particle surfaces.


False, nonionic surfactants do not adsorb on particle surfaces.

False, surfactant adsorption always destabilizes colloidal dispersions by reducing the charge on the particles.

In: Other

1. A mixture of ethanol (ethyl alcohol, C2H6O) and water contains 70.0% water by mass. Assuming...

1. A mixture of ethanol (ethyl alcohol, C2H6O) and water contains 70.0% water by mass. Assuming volume additivity of the components, estimate the specific gravity of the mixture at 20 oC. What volume (in liters) of this mixture is required to provide 100 mol of ethanol? Molecular weight and density of ethanol are 46.07 and 789g/L, respectively.

2. A gas stream contains 18.0 mole% hexane and the remainder nitrogen. The stream flows to a condenser, where its temperature is reduced and some of the hexane is liquefied. The hexane mole fraction in the gas stream leaving the condenser is 0.0500. Liquid hexane condensate is recovered at a rate of 1.5 L/min.

a) Draw the flow chart of the given process and label all the know variables.
b) How many unknown variables you need to solve to specify the molar flow rate of the gas stream leaving the condenser?
c) How many independent balance equations can you set up?
d) Is there any other values you may want to find from other resources? If so, please explain what it is and why?

In: Other