
In: Nursing

Identify the ways in which these populations often have health disparities compared with the general population....

Identify the ways in which these populations often have health disparities compared with the general population.

Analyze trends that have influenced both the development of vulnerability among certain population groups and social attitudes toward vulnerability.

Analyze the effects of public policies on vulnerable populations and on reducing health disparities experienced by these populations.

Examine the multiple individual and social factors that contribute to vulnerability.

Evaluate strategies that nurses can use to improve the health status and eliminate health disparities of vulnerable populations including governmental, community, and private programs.


Expert Solution

Identify the ways in which these populations often have health disparities compared with the general population.

  1. Old age people
  2. Children
  3. Children from lower financial status
  4. Uninsured population
  5. Uneducated people
  6. Homeless
  7. People who has sexually transmitted diseases
  8. Specific race and ethnicity
  9. Ethnically minority
  10. People from poor socioeconomic backgrounds

Analyze trends that have influenced both the development of vulnerability among certain population groups and social attitudes toward vulnerability.

Certain group of people are vulnerable to get exploited or get lack of attention towards their needs in society. For instance African Americans sometimes experience this due to their socioeconomic backgrounds or due to discrimination.

Analyze the effects of public policies on vulnerable populations and on reducing health disparities experienced by these populations.

Various policies implimented by government is to ensure a safe and sound environment for the weak community in order to assist them for better upbringing.

  • It helps to reduce polarization
  • It helps to tackle discrimination
  • It helps to maintain healthy socioeconomic background
  • It helps to gain trust over the health care services
  • It easily give access to Healthcare even for the poorer

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