Ethical and
legal issues while dealing with child, having illness and ways to
- If a study is conducted on a childhood disease, the presence of
child is necessary.One has to face challenges not only with the
child but also with the parent
- If the children cannot able to give full consent, it is vested
in parents or guardians. However, children may acquire ability to
give full consent during the course of study or some part of
- Sometimes you may think it is easy to deal with the child
rather than their parents
- Think about the nature of a child
- The informed consent should contain adequate information,
voluntariness, and capacity to understand the information
- Provide ethical resons, why you are conducting studies in
- Outline the regulations
- Outline the roles and responsibilities of research ethics
- While conducting a study, describe who are vulnerable.
- Parents often think about the outcome and nature of the study,
which may harmful to their children
- Identify Safeguard for vulnerable populations
- Review issues of consent. Sometimes parent may reluctant to
conduct the study. It depends on how to convince the parent
- Sometimes parent may confused about the study results.Describe
the obligation to offer the summary of studies result
- Outline the roles and responsibilities of research ethics
- Convince the benefits of research. However, never conduct
studies forcefully. The researcher should always acknowledge the
- Segregate the children who needs emergency care while doing the
- Children should be involved in the decision to take part in the
reasearch as their development capacity dictates
- Applying evidence based practice
- Respect for privacy and confidentiality
- Allowing research benefits to all populations. Do not involve
- Respect informed consent.
- Avoid harmful therapies to children
- Supporting developing autonomy in children, considering
research participation
- For references, try pediatric child health