
In: Biology

what are the gymnosperm phyla? which of them do you think is most closely related to...

what are the gymnosperm phyla? which of them do you think is most closely related to the angiosperms? why?


Expert Solution

essential features of gymnosperms are:

  • “Gymnosperm” means “naked seed”
  • Gymnosperms are seed plants adapted to life on land; thus, they are autotrophic, photosynthetic organisms that tend to conserve water.
  • They have a vascular system (used for the transportation of water and nutrients) that includes roots, xylem, and phloem. The name gymnosperm means “naked seed,” which is the major distinguishing factor between gymnosperms and angiosperms, the two distinct subgroups of seed plant
  • Gymnosperms are older than angiosperms on the evolutionary scale. They are found far earlier in the fossil record than angiosperms
  • Gymnosperms are sporophytes (a plant with two copies of its genetic material, capable of producing spores ). Their sporangia (receptacle in which sexual spores are formed) are found on sporophylls, plated scale-like structures that together make up cones
  • Gymnosperms are a diverse group of plants the protect their seeds with cones and do not produce flowers or fruits.
  • Gymnosperms consist of four main phyla: the Coniferophyta, Cycadophyta, Gingkophyta and Gnetophyta.
  • Conifers are the dominant plant of the gymnosperms, having needle-like leaves and living in areas where the weather is cold and dry.
  • Cycads live in warm climates, have large, compound leaves, and are unusual in that they are pollinated by beetles rather than wind.
  • Gingko biloba is the only remaining species of the Gingkophyta and is usually resistant to pollution.

Gnetophytes are the gymnosperms believed to be most closely related to the angiosperms because of the presence of vessel elements within their stems

CLOSELY RELATED TO ANGIOSPERMS-the closest relatives of the angiosperms are the gymnosperms, which include cycads, Ginkgo, conifers (the group that contains the pines, spruces, firs because Flowering plants are able to survive in a greater variety of habitats than gymnosperms. Flowering plants mature more quickly than gymnosperms, and produce greater numbers of seeds. The woody tissues of angiosperms are also more complex and specialized

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