In: Mechanical Engineering
A 30 kW ammonia compressor (ˠ = 1.2) operates with an evaporator
and condenser temperatures of 10 C & 40 C, respectively. The
clearance factor is 5% with compression or adiabatic efficiency
85%, mechanical efficiency 80% & actual volumetric efficiency
a. Draw the PH diagram indicating all enthalpy & sp. vol.
b. Clearance volumetric efficiency
c. Actual work, kJ/kg
d. Ideal COP
e. Actual COP
f. Mass of refrigerant flow, kg/s
g. Indicated work, kW
h. Brake work, kW
Answer(a) ph diagram is given below
Enthalpy point
h1= 1451.78K j/kg
h2= 1584.66K j/kg
h3= h4= 371.35K j/kg
Specific volume
v1= 0.2054 m^3/kg
v2= 0.1152 m^3/kg
v3= 1.7256*10^(-3) m^3/kg
v4= 0.02565 m^3/kg
Answer(b)- volumetric efficiency= 94.17%
Answer(c)- actual work= 93.798K j/kg
Answer(d)- ideal cop= 8.13
Answer(e)- actual cop= 11.52
Answer(f)- mass of refrigerant flow= 0.32 kg/sec
Answer(g)- indicated work(in watt)= 37.52K watt
Answer(h)- brake work(in watt)= 30.016K watt
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