In: Finance
What are the main advantages of being a member of the Federal Reserve System?
Adavntages for the members of Federal Reserve System:
To rediscount eligible paper with the Federal Reserve Bank at its published rate
To receive advances from the Federal Reserve Bank, for periods not exceeding fifteen days
To obtain currency and coin, as needed, from the Federal Reserve Bank
To participate in the check clearing facilities of the Federal Reserve System
To participate in the collection facilities of the Federal Reserve System
To use the Federal Reserve Bank for the transfer of funds
To deposit U. S. Government securities with the Federal Reserve Bank for safekeeping, without charge
To receive certain forms from the Federal Reserve Bank, without charge
To receive reports on agricultural, industrial, commercial and financial conditions, without charge
To discontinue or consolidate balances with correspondents
To operate with less reserve
To receive deposits of postal savings funds
To benefit by additional supervision
To benefit by the prestige afforded by membership in the System