Some of the monetary motivation for
the Indonesian employee are,
- Employee’s working hours are 40
hours per week. In case any employee works for more than 40 hours
in a week then he or she can be offered with the extra enumeration
for working overtime.
- Employee can be awarded as group
incentive when a project work together as a team.
- In order to protect social security
some of the monetary incentives included are occupational or work
insurance, life insurance and pension or old age insurance,
- Health insurance to employees who
continue to work.
- Some of the tax saving schemes in
terms of monthly taxes can give back monetary assistance, such as
corporate incomes tax art 25(PPh 25) and Employee withholding tax
art 21(PPh 21).
- Leave policies which offer monetary
benefits to the employee. In case employee is not able to consume
his or her annual leave within a year then the balance leaves can
be converted into monetary incentives for emmployees.