In: Anatomy and Physiology
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*Course Name: Principles of Microbiology for Public Health BIOL103
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Q) Please compose an essay addressing the following topic:
Discuss the role of Microbiology in context to Public health for the above topic. Explain the different uses and support provided by microbiology in Vaccination Public Health programs.
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It is well said that ‘Prevention is better than Cure’. For numerous diseases, the prevention is better strategy by the means of vaccination. Infections could be regarded as a leading cause of deaths in humans ever since time immortal. Chemotherapy and immunization played and are stilling a key role in management of pathogenic diseases. Immunoprophylaxis or prophylactic immunization is a strategy that advert widespread occurrences of infections and infestations. A number of interventions dealing with immunological protection against bacterial, viral and protozoal infection/ infestation have created a good hope and pose to establish role of Immunoprophylaxis against pathogen invasion.
Vaccination (Body)
In the history of mankind, the use of vaccines has revolutionized the concept of disease prevention by means of vaccine. Public Health Microbiology includes study of microbial domain with respect to its utility towards human, animals, food and environment. It aims to collect and examine the role of microbiology in betterment of society. The first human vaccine was prepared against virus by use of attenuated immunity to produce immunity. The smallpox vaccine used cowpox virus to produce immunity which protected against smallpox. Vaccination is an approach whereby resistance towards a disease is provide by vaccination. By stimulating the adaptive immune response, vaccine initiates production of memory cells that is close to events observed during production of primary immunity. Live attenuated vaccines, killed vaccines, toxoids, subunit and conjugate vaccines are few types of vaccines. Vaccines have demonstrated a significant contribution towards human health. The eradication of smallpox has discontinued routine smallpox immunization worldwide. Though polio is the next target to be eradicated world widely. A regional elimination of infectious diseases may be achieved to inhibit their transmission. Combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine along with eradicate rubella and mumps is amongst few weapons against microbial elimination. However, pathogenies such as tetanus and Japanese encephalitis are still the challenge.
The vaccines are also helpful to prevent infection after infection (hepatitis A, hepatitis B, Varicella, measles and rabies. Once the pathogen invades the body, antimicrobial and antipathogenic agents can be used for its treatment. However, prior immunization against causative agent seems to be an interesting strategy. The aim of prophylactic immunization is to prevent against the cause of the disease. Immunoprophylaxis or prophylactic immunization is a strategy that advert widespread occurrences of infections and infestations. From a prophylactic vaccine, it is expected that vaccine should bestow advance protection that last for several years safely without need of ‘boosting’. Such a therapy could be regarded as an effective alternate to conventional chemotherapy to battle infections and infestations Apart from getting immunized against pathogens, prophylactic vaccination strategy could be used to counteract against new invading pathogens. In recent years, a number of scientific interventions have demonstrated success of prophylactic immunization against various pathogenic diseases.
The use of vaccine to immunize the mass has decreased the chances of infection. Vaccines have clearly demonstrated the benefit for public health. However, with respect to the view of the parents, the risks associated with vaccination is the matter of concern. Still the risk is very low as compared to the benefits. Governments insist the vaccination during childhood so as to prevent pediatric population against dreadful infections. The clinical development of vaccines against tuberculosis, malaria and HIV is a challenge for microbiologists and immunologists. The combination vaccination will stimulate each arm of immune system, thereby, would be helpful to modulate and prevent infection. Although it will be imperative to foresee how long it will take to terminate their disease pathogens. Along with the immunization, it is necessary to identify and detect the arrival of new pathogenic infection. The non-communicable diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypertension) when observed with infection are among the challenge to manage as the chances of infection are more as compared to infection occurring in the healthy individual. One of the issues related to vaccine is cost effectiveness. Presently countries are implementing vaccination program at mass scale to prevent citizens against communicable diseases. The debate still continues on the development of vaccines with best spectrum of effect and economy.