In: Operations Management
Identify a song* that inspires you in some way to be a better self leader. You can pick any song you wish, but it must be a published work, it cannot be one you wrote yourself. In 250 words, explain why you chose the song and why it inspires you to be a better self leader. Please include a copy of the lyrics with your paper. *If you would rather identify a poem that inspires you, that is also acceptable.
The below poem was composed by an Anglo-Irish Philosopher, Edmund Burke, in 18th century which stands true even today. This poem highly inspires me to be self-confident and before questioning others, questioning ourselves first, so that we are confident to undertake the actions or decisions that we have planned for, instead to completely relying on others blindly. The poet, in fact, questions the authenticity of the Mirror itself. The Poet is oozing with confidence in himself, denying accepting that he is turning old or fat as what is reflected in the mirror. I believe, we often tend to lose confidence in ourselves when the whole world turns against us. The poem inspires me for a ‘never to give in’ attitude. The moment we start to believe in ourselves, we get an ability to convince others with our own actions. This shows the true color of self-leadership skills. However, it shall not mean to undermine others’ ideas or opinions but just to ensure that those opinions are not merely a reflection of somebody else’s thoughts. Even a mirror is not perfect. It cannot show anything beyond on its own. It is just a reflection while the Poet believes in being original in thoughts and being young at heart. It is not the external looks that should determine who you are. It is rather the mindset that you possess that makes you a personality that people may look up to. I take the cues of self-confidence, striving for perfection and being a self-leader than just a follower, from the below poem: The Mirror.
THE MIRROR BY EDMUND BURKE I look in the mirror
And what do I see?
A strange looking person
That cannot be me.
For I am much younger
And not nearly so fat
As that face in the mirror
I am looking at.
Oh, where are the mirrors
That I used to know
Like the ones which were
Made thirty years ago?
Now all things have changed
And I`m sure you`ll agree
Mirrors are not as good
As they used to be.
So never be concerned,
If wrinkles appear
For one thing I`ve learned
Which is very clear,
Should your complexion
Be less than perfection,
It is really the mirror
That needs correction!