In: Operations Management
How would you implement a training and development program in a huge company?
The following are the steps to implement training and development program in a huge company:
1. Planning: The first phase in training would be the planning stage which includes the need assessment and creation of objectives for entire training. This need analysis would include the organizational analysis and task analysis backed up with the company records and past performance. Identify the training needs through various studies like gap analysis; performance appraisals etc have to be done.
2. Action oriented: The second step would be getting into actual work step where delivering the training through different methods would come into picture. Mostly used methods are on the job and off the job training. Methods would include classroom training, coaching and mentoring, game theory training, video training and virtual reality. Inviting individuals who need to be trained and confirming the number of trainees per session would be the second important step. Collecting materials and developing the training courses is a major step for trainer before training. Finally delivering and presenting the training course would complete the whole cycle.
3. Evaluation: The final step would be evaluation of training step where it helps to check the training credible and effects on the performance or not. Measuring the training program would be an important step here which can be done through monitory and non-monetary assessment techniques. Getting feedback here is also one important step and using it as a bench mark of future training is the benefit of the evaluation phase.