In: Psychology
Panic disorder can be classified under Anxiety disorder.It is characterized by recurrent panic attacks and generally feel shortness of breath,palpitations and numbness.A person experiencing panic disorder feels endangered in a situation actually when there is no danger posed in that situation.If a person watches a horror movie he may get into a panic atack due to fear.They usually last for 5-20 minutes. Treatment is available ,but avoiding situations which cuase fear can help to overcome this problem.
Agorophobia is another type of panic disorder which is the fear of being outdoors or in a situation where one cannot escape or escaping would be embarrasing.It usually occurs with the panic attacks,the symptoms are rapid heart beat,dizziness,fear,disorientation and shortness of breath.This tends to begin at adolescence or early childhood.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is characterized by excessive irritational and uncontrollable worries about apprehensive expectations of events .Symptoms include headaches,irritablity,headaches,numbness in hands and feet,vomitting,diarrohea,trembling.It is common in individuals with history of substance abuse and anxiety disorders.
Specific Phobias are intense fears about a particular place,situation or things which make it difficualt to face.The situations pose no threat.Symptoms are excessive or irrational fear,pounding heart,nausea ,sweating,choking,dizzy or light hearted .Fears that are common are children who visit doctors, fear of seeing dogs on the road,fear of height.
Obsessive compulsive Disorder is a form of mental disorder where a person keeps checking things repeatedly or have certain thoughts repeatedly where in they have no control.Washing hands or checking doors if locked,and other things in the house.It could be an obsession such as contamination of hands,need for perfection. Symptoms include headaches,muscle tension, racing heart,stomach ache.Emotions are anger,shame,guilt,sadness,anxiety.
Schizoprenia symptoms are dysfunction,dysphoria,suicide ,illusions.delusions,hallucinations.factors related to good prognosis are good support systems,postive symptoms,acute onset,late onset.poor prognosis being family histroy of schizoprenia,no remission in 3 years ,more relapses,single,divorced or widowed,Positive complexity is exageration of normal functions,bizarre behaviour,disorganized speech.negative symptoms are affective blunting,Anhedonia, Alovia.
Narcistic Personality Disorder is a personality disorder which it is a long term pattern of abnormal behaviour characterized by lack of understanding of other's feelings,exagerated feelings of self importance and excessive need for admiration.The symptoms are fixated on fantasies of power,unwilling to empathize with feelings of others,envious of others or thinking others are envious of them.NPD usually develops in adolescence or early adulthood.