What is the process by which attachment occurs?

What is the process by which attachment occurs?

In: Psychology

5. How do leaders influence others? What are their sources of power?

5. How do leaders influence others? What are their sources of power?

In: Psychology

Watch a prime-time television program and make notes on the role played in the story by...

Watch a prime-time television program and make notes on the role played in the story by alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, or other psychoactive drugs.

Think about what you saw and write a page describing the messages the show gave viewers about drugs.

Did it directly or indirectly approve or disapprove of drug use?

Did it lead viewers to expect particular effects from particular drugs?

Conclude by considering what effects these drug-related messages might have on viewers, especially young children.

In: Psychology

In a minimum of 100 words, an event that had an impact on I/O psychology was...

In a minimum of 100 words, an event that had an impact on I/O psychology was the Hawthorne studies. What were they? How are the results from those studies used in organizations today?

In: Psychology

Post your response of a minimum of 200 words to the following questions (80 pts): Which...

Post your response of a minimum of 200 words to the following questions (80 pts):

Which is your priority–independence or interdependence? Why? How much does your answer relate to your culture?  

In: Psychology

In short answer format, use no more than 100 to 150 words to answer the following...

In short answer format, use no more than 100 to 150 words to answer the following questions:

3. Why have the changes made during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s not eliminated the income and educational gaps between groups?

In: Psychology

Put It in Writing Activity: Imagine that you have just been hired as the principal of...

Put It in Writing Activity: Imagine that you have just been hired as the principal of a high school where students’ attendance and test performance has been poor and the dropout rate has been high. At a meeting with your teachers, you explain that the principles of classical and operant conditioning could be used to improve the situation.

Write a page describing how these principles could be used to increase students’ class attendance, study skills, and test performance.

Be sure to label all the concepts and principles you use (such as “conditioned stimulus,” “positive reinforcement,” “conditioned response,” “discriminative conditioned stimulus,” “shaping,” and the like)

In: Psychology

What are some external factors that might influence our choices about psychological health? And explain why.

What are some external factors that might influence our choices about psychological health? And explain why.

In: Psychology

Introduction to Logic. Section One: Identify the following fallacies of Relevance and explain how the fallacy...

Introduction to Logic.

Section One: Identify the following fallacies of Relevance and explain how the fallacy is committed.

1. These poor children have no parents to give them Christmas presents, cook them Christmas Dinner, or to give them Christmas candy. Without help they will be out on the street homeless, cold, and desperate .If you can you should give money to our charity to help prevent this horrible human tragedy.


2. Richard Cheney thought it was appropriate to ask energy executives what energy policy the country should pursue, but of course he would he was an energy executive himself.


3. You should never point a gun at a person, because it is rude to point.


4. You children stop fighting in the back seat, or I am going to pull the car over and make you wish I had not.  

5. Four of five Americans believe that Honda builds the best car, therefore Honda builds the best car.  

6. Dennis Rodman is not a basketball player who is an asset to his team. After all, he is a sex-crazed, undisciplined, foul-mouthed, self-centered, transvestite, who has slept with Madonna. .

7. Barack Obama’s tax plan would involve taking money from the rich through taxes, and giving it to the poor through tax relief. If we were to do this then there would less a need for private charities, so people would give less money to charities. But charities allow people to do good works. So if Barack Obama’s plan is passed the moral values of Americans would decline.

8. Barack Obama’s tax plan would involve redistributing wealth and redistributing wealth is a key tenet of socialism. But we have shown in the Soviet Union that socialism failed, so Barack Obama’s tax plan won’t work.

Section Two : Identify the following fallacies of Defective Induction and explain how the fallacies are committed.                                                                                                                                                       

9. Newt Gingrich endorses this brand of underwear; it must be the best brand of underwear

10. The defendant has no alibi; no one saw him at home asleep when the crime was committed, there are no phone records to prove he was at home, and no neighbors saw him at home. We can only conclude that he was at the crime scene.

11.. I have smoked my whole life and never been sick a day, therefore smoking does not injure anyone’s health.  

12. Whenever I wear Brut cologne during finals I ace my exams.


Section Three: Identify the following fallacies of Presumption and explain how the fallacies are committed.        

13. Linebacker is a position which requires a big, quick player. Therefore Sam Mill should not be playing linebacker since he is not big or quick


14. John Elway is the best quarterback in the NFL, because the best quarterback in the NFL is John Elway.  

15. Is your drinking problem under control yet?  

Section Four: Identify these fallacies of Ambiguity and explain how the fallacies are committed.                                   

  16. The offensive line of the Panthers average 310 lb., therefore the center weighs 310 lb.

17. As Grandpa cut the turkey the juice came out running.

18. Rich people can afford to pay more for food which is why their deserts are so rich.

19. MacDonalds pays each of its workers a small amount, therefore the overall size of McDonalds’ payroll is small.


20. You should not beat your children.

In: Psychology

In a short paragraph each, explain the importance of each of these court cases. Morrissey v...

In a short paragraph each, explain the importance of each of these court cases.

Morrissey v Brewer                           Gregg v GA                            Atkins v VA   

Roper v Simmons                            Estelle v Gamble                   Johnson v Avery

In: Psychology

Consider the following: Respond to this typical interview question: Explain a specific example in which you...

Consider the following:

Respond to this typical interview question: Explain a specific example in which you utilized problem solving strategies to resolve a real world problem.

Provide your feedback from the perspective of an interview coach to at least one of your classmates.

In: Psychology

Instructions Observation Techniques: Film Analysis This week, you will analyze a three- to five-minute segment of...

Instructions Observation Techniques: Film Analysis This week, you will analyze a three- to five-minute segment of a movie or a television episode depicting group behavior in organizations. After watching the movie segment of any movie or show, create a report on your analysis. In your report: Mention the name of the movie. Describe the setting and overall storyline of the movie. Describe the main characters in the observed movie section. Describe the situation that you analyzed and interpret the action of the characters depicting group behavior and organizations. Draw conclusions based on social psychological concepts and theories.

In: Psychology

(( Summarize it in your own words in at least one paragraph )) Personality: Where does...

(( Summarize it in your own words in at least one paragraph ))

Personality: Where does it come from and how does it work?

How do our personalities develop? What do we come with and what is built from our experiences? Once developed, how does personality work? These questions have been steeped in controversy for almost as long as psychology has existed.

In an article in Psychological Review, Carol Dweck tackles these issues. She proposes that our personalities develop around basic needs, and she begins by documenting the three basic psychological needs we all come with: the need to predict our world, the need to build competence to act on our world, and because we are social beings, the need for acceptance from others. (She also shows how new needs emerge later from combinations of these basic needs.)

Infants arrive highly prepared to meet these needs -- they are brilliant, voracious learners on the lookout for need-relevant information. Then, as infants try to meet their needs, something important happens. They start building beliefs about their world and their role in it: Is the world good or bad, safe or dangerous? Can I act on my world to meet my needs? These beliefs, plus the emotions and action tendencies that are stored with them, are termed "BEATs." They represent the accumulated experiences people have had trying to meet their needs, and they play a key role in personality -- both the invisible and the visible parts of the personality.

The invisible part of personality consists of the needs and BEATs. They form the basis of personality and they drive and guide the visible part. The visible part happens when the needs and BEATs create the actual goals people pursue in the world -- what people actually do.

Take the following example. Some people are conscientious; they actively pursue achievement and exercise self-discipline and perseverance. That's the visible part. Everyone has a need for competence, but how people pursue competence-whether they do so in a conscientious manner -- will depend on their BEATs (the invisible part, such as their beliefs). Research shows that some people hold the belief that their abilities are simply fixed traits. When they are confronted with a challenging task, they may choose an easier one instead because the challenging task carries a risk. It could expose their fixed ability as deficient; it could undermine their sense of competence. However, other people believe that their abilities can be developed. They are more likely to welcome the challenging task and stick to it in the face of setbacks in order to develop their competence. They display the hallmarks of conscientiousness. In other words, underlying BEATs can have a pronounced effect on the visible "personality" people display as they pursue their goals.

Temperament can also be important. For example, if children are shy or fearful it can make certain needs (such as the need for predictability) stronger than others and it can affect the way they react to things that happen to them -- both of which can mold the BEATs they develop and carry forward.

What are the implications of this theory? First, it means that our personality develops around our motivations (our needs and goals) and is not simply about traits we're born with. The theory also reveals the invisible parts of personality and shows how we can identify and address important BEATs (particularly beliefs) to promote personality change.

In short, like large, classic theories of the last century, the current theory brings together our motivations, our personality, and our development within one framework and helps shed light on processes that contribute to the well-being and human growth.

In: Psychology

You worked for AOL. You left the company and took the private account information of 14...

You worked for AOL. You left the company and took the private account information of 14 million AOL customers. You have a new job, more money, and better opportunities. You found out that another AOL employee was charged with the theft of the 14 million user accounts. You both have families and neither of you can afford to lose your jobs or go to jail. Your faced with an ethical dilemma, taking responsibility for your criminal activity or supporting your family. There is no grey area. Choose your action and justify your response.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words

In: Psychology

Because many drugs work by affecting the function of the synapse, the effect that they produce...

Because many drugs work by affecting the function of the synapse, the effect that they produce must be similar to some naturally produced behavior. Discuss this idea in relation to effects of alcohol on the brain.

200 words please!

In: Psychology