labor and monopoly capital, degradation of work in the twentieth century (relationship between labor and the...

labor and monopoly capital, degradation of work in the twentieth century (relationship between labor and the machine) 2 paragraphs

In: Psychology

Considering the I information in the article "culture and decision making; investigating cultural variations in the...

Considering the I information in the article "culture and decision making; investigating cultural variations in the East Asian and North American online decision making processes, what kind of influence might culture have on self-interest in decision making

In: Psychology

5. why is it important that researchers have a representative sample when conducting survey research? 6....

5. why is it important that researchers have a representative sample when conducting survey research?
6. what difficulties does experimental research present for researchers?

In: Psychology

Summarize Mary Ainsworth’s strange situation experiment/results

Summarize Mary Ainsworth’s strange situation experiment/results

In: Psychology

Prepare a powerpoint presentation on “A Leadership Principle from the Life and Ministry of the Apostle...

Prepare a powerpoint presentation on “A Leadership Principle from the Life and Ministry of the Apostle Paul.” The purpose is too discover and assess the leadership principles used by a man of God whom the Lord blessed in crucial portion of church history and organize a lesson to teach others. Application: To learn how to improve your own leadership characteristics, methodologies, and results in your present or future ministry, as well as how to teach leadership to others.

In: Psychology

Describe in detail some of the dangers of parents using drugs (alcohol) while pregnant:

Describe in detail some of the dangers of parents using drugs (alcohol) while pregnant:

In: Psychology

"Please write the issue about Biblical illiteracy in the church. Describe the problem in your own...

"Please write the issue about Biblical illiteracy in the church. Describe the problem in your own word and trace its causes. Summarize proposed solutions. Then give your opinion about what you think should be done to solve or alleviate this problem. Also explain in detail how your Christian faith is relevant to this issue. For example, what resources does Christianity provide for thinking about and solving this issue?" Please help me write as complete as possible. At least 550 words! Thanks!

In: Psychology

Sexual Harassment in the work place (Business Ethics) Please develop the reason of this topic. (like...

Sexual Harassment in the work place (Business Ethics)

Please develop the reason of this topic. (like why) please use these reason: gender descrimination, use of power/position, sexual desire. 300 words for each one. And with some news and link. Thank you, nees it asap asap!!! Help!!!

In: Psychology

Jean Piaget’s theory based on in cognitive stage during infancy is called sensorimotor stage which he...

Jean Piaget’s theory based on in cognitive stage during infancy is called sensorimotor stage which he breaks down in six different substages. The first substage is simple reflexes which happens during the first month of life. The example or textbook gives us is the sucking reflex. This reflex causes an infant to suck on anything placed on his or her lips (Feldman, 2015, p. 114-115). Or the infant may start to change the way he/she sucks on the nipple during this reflex stage. The second stage is known as first habits and primary circular reactions which occurs from 1 to 4months. “During this stage infant begin to coordinate what were separate actions into single, integrated activities.” (Feldman, 2015, p.115). An example during this stage is when an infant begins to grab onto an object and starts to suck on it. Or an infant may stare at something else while touching the object. The third stage is secondary circular reactions which happens 4 to 8 months of life. The child begins to act upon the outside world. The example given of this stage is when an infant picks up a rattle in her crib and shakes it in different ways to see how the sound changes is demonstrating her ability to modify her cognitive scheme about shaking rattles. (Feldman, 2015, p.114). The fourth stage is known as coordination of secondary circular reactions which happens during 8 to 12 months of life. During this stage the infant beings to use more calculated approaches to producing events, coordinating several schemes to generate a single act. (Feldman, 2015, p.114). An example is an infant pushing a toy out of the way to try and reach for another toy that is halfway exposed and under it. The fifth stage is known as tertiary circular reactions which happens 12 to18 months of life. During this stage infant develop what Jean Piaget believed to be the deliberate variations of actions that bring desirable consequences. They may begin to conduct their own mini experiments just to observe the consequence. (Feldman, 2015, p.114). An infant may start dropping a toy just to see where it would land every time. And the last stage is known as beginnings of thought which happens during 18 t 2 years of life. This is where an infant begins to display mental representation or symbolic thought. (Feldman, 2015, p.114). Children can begin to plot in their heads by rolling a ball under a piece of furniture knowing exactly where the ball will emerge on the other side. Assimilation is the process in which people understand an experience in terms of their current stage of cognitive development and way of thinking. An example of this is when an infant tries to suck on any toy assimilating the objects if her existing sucking scheme. (Feldman, 2015, p.113). Accommodation changes in the existing ways of thinking that occur in response to encounters with new stimuli or events. An example of this is when a child sees a flying squirrel and thinks it is a bird with a tail they being to accommodate new knowledge. (Feldman, 2015, p.113). Scheme is an organized patterns of functioning that adapt and change with mental functioning. An example of this is giving a baby a cloth book and they will begin to touch, mouth it, maybe tear it or bang it on the floor.


In: Psychology

Explain how neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease is usually treated. Include information about medication and...

Explain how neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease is usually treated. Include information about medication and psychosocial therapies. How would you characterize the success of the currently available treatment options for neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease?

In: Psychology

Jean Piaget suggests that acquiring knowledge is done through action. In other words, committing an action...

Jean Piaget suggests that acquiring knowledge is done through action. In other words, committing an action leads to knowledge and knowledge leads to action. Piaget stated that an infant advances their cognitive development when they reach a certain point of physical maturation. By developing their understanding of the world around them, infants are able to cognitively mature. As they are further exposed to the world, infants will naturally undergo assimilation, in which they will utilize their acquired knowledge in order to understand the new knowledge that is bestowed upon them. For example, a child who sees a cat for the first time may refer to it as a dog since it may have been the only animal they have encountered beforehand. A creature that walks on four legs, in their mind, may be interpreted as a dog, as they have acquired previous knowledge that an animal who does not stand upright is a canine. Accommodation takes place when we alter our actions and beliefs when exposed to a situation that either challenges or changes our understanding. For example, an individual is told a rather unsavory rumor about another individual. They may accept the rumor as the truth and proceed to view the other individual as “undesirable”. However, the two individuals share an interaction, and it seems that the rumors were false. The misled individual then changes their view of the other individual, as they are quite different from what they expected them to be. In short, accommodation has taken place. The process of accommodation is an essential practice, as it allows us to “fit in” with others and ascertain new information presented to us throughout our lives. Schemes are our basic ways of understanding and functioning. Both a physical and psychological concept, schemes allow us to interpret information from our world and how to choose the appropriate reaction.


In: Psychology

Identify and discuss the differences between mindfulness and traditional CBT skills training.

Identify and discuss the differences between mindfulness and traditional CBT skills training.

In: Psychology

Each answer will need to identify the source of the term (1 point), define the term...

Each answer will need to identify the source of the term (1 point), define the term according to the source (2 points), and demonstrate the significance of this term in order to understand the role of science and technology in global development (2 points). Each answer should be at least 5 sentences.

Multiple sciences

The Invention of Development


Structural Adjustment Policies

Brundtland Commission

Imagined Communities

Monumental Modernity

The Workings of Disrepair

In: Psychology

Jill says, "Hey Jack! You should stop eating so many cookies! Remember your diabetes!" And Jack...

Jill says, "Hey Jack! You should stop eating so many cookies! Remember your diabetes!" And Jack responds, "Whatever, Jill. Like I should listen to you! You have eaten more than I have!"

Is it a:

Poisoning the Well
Line Drawing Fallacy
Inconsistency Ad Hominem
Slippery Slope Fallacy
No Fallacy

In: Psychology

Explain in 1700 words for what Socrates makes life worth living and how the same could...

Explain in 1700 words for what Socrates makes life worth living and how the same could be applicable to you by following ideas, standards and ideas encountered so far.

In: Psychology