What kinds of adjustments should couples expect when they get married? Are these adjustments typically different...

What kinds of adjustments should couples expect when they get married? Are these adjustments typically different for men than they are for women (“his marriage” and “her marriage)? How so? If you are married or have fairly good knowledge about someone else’s marriage (e.g., a friend’s, your parents’), how does their experience compare with the text’s descriptions?

In: Psychology

What factors influence social perception and what are the barriers to social perception?

What factors influence social perception and what are the barriers to social perception?

In: Psychology

Describe the four (4) theories of personality and what it contritbutes to each personality?

Describe the four (4) theories of personality and what it contritbutes to each personality?

In: Psychology

1.     Which of the following is true of variables? a. Variables only need conceptual definitions. b....

1.     Which of the following is true of variables?


Variables only need conceptual definitions.


Variables are the same as constants.


All variables can be manipulated.


Some variables can be either manipulated or measured.


When evaluating causal claims, which of the following questions assesses internal validity?


How well did the experiments manipulate the variables?


To what populations can we generalize this claim?


Are the groups large enough to find a significant difference?


Does the study establish temporal precedence?


RESEARCH STUDY 3.4: Dr. Chang, a cognitive psychologist, conducts an experiment examining the effect of emotion on memory. He provides lists of 15 words to two groups of participants at his university. He puts the names of all the participants in a hat. The first 20 names he assigns to Group A and the last 20 he assigns to Group B. Group A is given a list of words that are very emotional in content (e.g., passion, murder). Group B is given a list of words that are neutral in content (e.g., houseplant, desk). He then measures how many words each group is able to remember after being distracted for 5 minutes by watching a video about the history of the university. He finds that Group A remembers 15% more words than Group B.
Which of the following is the independent variable in Dr. Kang’s study?


the length of the distractor task


the emotional or neutral content of the words


the number of words on the list


the number of words remembered


An association claim is made by which of the following statements?


“Dog traveled 500 miles to find its owners.”


“Owning a dog is related to higher life satisfaction.”


“Being visited by dogs in the hospital causes decreases in recovery time.”


“A majority of Americans like dogs.”


Dr. Hadden wants to conduct a study that will allow her to make claims that apply to all college students. Which of the following validities is she prioritizing?


the construct validity of the study


the external validity of the study


the internal validity of the study


the statistical validity of the study


RESEARCH STUDY 3.3: Jose and his friends are discussing a study he read about in his developmental psychology class. In the study, the researcher made the claim that most middle school students who are bullied have low self-esteem. Clarissa questions the study, saying, “I am not sure that I am convinced. I am not sure you can really measure being bullied.” Quinn also questions the study, saying, “Which middle school students did they study? I am curious if they included both private and public school students.” Manish also is curious about the study, asking, “I wonder how strong the relationship is between bullying and self-esteem. Could you predict one from the other?”
Clarissa’s concern is addressing which of the following?


the study’s construct validity


the study’s internal validity


the study’s external validity


the study’s statistical validity


Luke wants to make a causal claim in his dissertation. Which of the following is necessary?


He must manipulate all of his variables.


He must conduct an experiment.


He must measure all of his variables.


He must make a frequency claim first.


A common finding in the study of aggression is that exposure to television is associated with increased aggressive behavior in children. You are curious as to whether peer pressure is really to blame (peer pressure encourages you to watch television and peer pressure encourages you to be aggressive). You are questioning which of the following criteria of causation?


the criterion of temporal precedence


the criterion of external validity


the third-variable criterion


the criterion of covariance


RESEARCH STUDY 3.5: Alison reads the following headline on an online article: “If You’re Sexist, People Will Think You’re Racist, and Vice Versa.” (This headline is based on a study conducted by Sanchez and colleagues, 2017.) This study found that members of stigmatized groups are threatened by prejudice directed at other stigmatized groups. Their results showed that White women can be threatened by racism, and men of color threatened by sexism, and that these perceptions made participants expect unfair treatment.
The results of this study can be generalized to which of the following groups?


African American women


Individuals receiving unfair treatment


All minority groups


White women and African American men


RESEARCH STUDY 3.2: Dr. Incera makes the following claim: “Watching television leads people to spend less time communicating with their spouses, study says.” Dr. LaSalle makes the claim: “Research shows that making more money correlates with spending less time talking with your spouse.”
Which type of claim is Dr. Incera making?


association claim


frequency claim


causal claim


anecdotal claim

In: Psychology

1. What can you conclude from the similarity between and among white-collar and street criminals? 2....

1. What can you conclude from the similarity between and among white-collar and street criminals?

2. Should criminologists expect meaningful differences in the life course of offenders?

3. Should policy makers ensure different or similar treatment in he criminal process?

In: Psychology

Explain the process of carrying out a behavioral study

Explain the process of carrying out a behavioral study

In: Psychology

What will be the goals of REBT therapy and what intervention strategies would you as a...

What will be the goals of REBT therapy and what intervention strategies would you as a counselor used to accomplish those goals?

In: Psychology

1. Explain how bias can affect personality and psychopathology testing. Differentiate between the types of bias...

1. Explain how bias can affect personality and psychopathology testing. Differentiate between the types of bias that may exist.

In: Psychology

13. What is a more successful way of determining an infant’s intelligence that may be a...

13. What is a more successful way of determining an infant’s intelligence that may be a predictor of IQ?

In: Psychology

7. How does Piaget use object permanence to explain the emotional distress shown by a 7...

7. How does Piaget use object permanence to explain the emotional distress shown by a 7 or 8month old child?

In: Psychology

9. Piaget’s theory on the sensorimotor stages has been questioned. What new research proves him wrong...

9. Piaget’s theory on the sensorimotor stages has been questioned. What new research proves him wrong or does it?

In: Psychology

What is the evidence for nature vs. nurture in Perceptual development?

What is the evidence for nature vs. nurture in Perceptual development?

In: Psychology

Analyze the evolving role of technology in society

Analyze the evolving role of technology in society

In: Psychology

A majority of Americans and a strong majority of young Americans (those below 30) now support...

A majority of Americans and a strong majority of young Americans (those below 30) now support same-sex marriages. What are some cultural and structural changes that have led to this increase in support for marriage equality over the past decade?

In: Psychology

Part 1 of 3: Describe how strategic design of work tasks can improve an organization? Cite...

Part 1 of 3: Describe how strategic design of work tasks can improve an organization? Cite at least one scholarly resource in APA format.?

Part 2 of 3: The courts have recognized task-based job analysis as useful to prevent unfair discrimination. Some HR professionals worry that competency-based approaches are more susceptible to stereotyping and bias. From an employee’s perspective, would you prefer to have a job description and performance appraisal based on a task-focused job analysis or on a competency modeling study? Defend your choice and please conduct research to support it, citing at least one scholarly resource in APA format.


In: Psychology