
In: Psychology

In drama "The Piano Lesson" by August Wilson discuss the role of religion in the play....

In drama "The Piano Lesson" by August Wilson discuss the role of religion in the play. Give Specifics. I need 12 complete sentences for my Introduction to Literature class. Thanks!


Expert Solution

  • The Piano Lesson presents an interesting blend of spirituality. The presence of Christianity is definitely felt in the play, mostly through Avery, a black minister. However, the characters in the play blend other traditions with their understandings of Christianity.
  • In the world of The Piano Lesson, ghosts can be seen as the hand of God as well as the Devil.
  • The play also shows examples of African spiritual traditions such as ancestor worship. At the play's climax, the Christian God, ghosts, and the spirits of the ancestors are all called upon to help get rid of a particularly troublesome ghost.
  • African American culture has long been associated with ghosts and ghost stories. Slave culture melded its assigned Christianity with the spiritual beliefs of Africa, and the result was a highly active paranormal realm.
  • The ghosts of Yellow Dog and the ghost of Sutter serve two separate purposes, each reflecting one of those supernatural traditions. The ghosts of Yellow Dog are a relic of slave superstition; out of tragedy grew hope in the form of vengeful spirits. These are ghosts that are just an accepted part of life, believed by some, less believed by others, but a standard part of the spiritual landscape of the south.
  • The ghost of Sutter, on the other hand, is a traditional Western theater ghost. He is never seen on stage, nor is he ever heard from. But it is Sutter’s function that makes him especially traditional.
  • Ancestor worship is integral to African religious practice, and the spirits of the ancestors are believed to be able to influence people’s lives and cause good or bad events, depending upon whether the spirits are malevolent or benevolent.
  • In fact, although ancestor worship is premised upon respecting and honoring the dead, the practice also ensures that spirits will remain benevolent and will protect the worshipers from malevolent forces. Neglect of the spirits removes their protection and may even incur their wrath.
  • The piano is the Charles’ family totem: it visibly records the lost lives of Berniece and Boy Willie’s ancestors, and it is the only tangible link remaining between past and present. Their ancestors’ spirits coalesce in the piano, which is precisely why Berniece’s mother, Mama Ola, polishes it, prays over it, and asks her daughter to play it. She keeps the shrine to her ancestors clean and pure and maintains her link with them by praying and playing it.

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