Your answers to these kinds of questions demonstrate an ability to comprehend and apply ideas discussed...

Your answers to these kinds of questions demonstrate an ability to comprehend and apply ideas discussed in this chapter.  Please use the key terms from the chapter to help you answer the following questions.  I expect thorough, well-thought out answers for each question.  Make sure to number your answers to the questions accordingly and proofread before submitting.  

1. What is the relationship between each of the substages in Piaget’s theory of the sensorimotor period? How does the infant get from one stage to the next?

2. Define language, and explain the concept of infinite generativity.

3. Discuss evidence regarding the nature and nurture bases for language development.

4. Summarize the milestones in the development of language by infants.

5. Explain how developmentalists have studied emotions in infants.

6. Discuss what we learn about infant cognitive and social development by studying infant smiling and crying.

7. Explain Erikson’s concept of trust versus mistrust. Give a hypothetical situation of a parent–infant interaction that leads to the infant developing trust and a hypothetical situation in which the infant would develop mistrust.

In: Psychology

Van Diedrendonck notes on empowering and developing people through servant leadership with 5 characteristics. These characteristics...

Van Diedrendonck notes on empowering and developing people through servant leadership with 5 characteristics. These characteristics are empowering and developing people, humility, authenticity, interpersonal acceptance, providing direction, and stewardship. please explain these below?

In: Psychology

Discuss specific communication obstacles and gains when conducting a virtual meeting. Further, consider how you would...

Discuss specific communication obstacles and gains when conducting a virtual meeting. Further, consider how you would overcome some of these challenges and maximize on the strengths.

In: Psychology

How is the process of acculturation different from the act of conformity? Provide an example.

How is the process of acculturation different from the act of conformity? Provide an example.

In: Psychology

How do historical, social, political, economic, cultural and global forces have a play in racism?

How do historical, social, political, economic, cultural and global forces have a play in racism?

In: Psychology

Explain the Missouri Compromise. Why was this important? Who was involved? How did the two political...

Explain the Missouri Compromise. Why was this important? Who was involved? How did the two political parties deal with the issue of slavery in the western territory?

In: Psychology

Post a logic model and theory of change for a practitioner-level intervention. Describe the types of...

Post a logic model and theory of change for a practitioner-level intervention. Describe the types of problems, the client needs, and the underlying causes of problems and unmet needs. Identify the short- and long-term outcomes that you think would represent an improved condition. Then describe interventions that would lead to a change in the presenting conditions. Be sure to search for and cite resources that inform your views.

In: Psychology

Question 1 What are agents of socialization? Group of answer choices a:Indivuduals, groups. and institutions involved...

Question 1

What are agents of socialization?

Group of answer choices

a:Indivuduals, groups. and institutions involved in the socilization process

b:individuals involved in the socilization process

c:groups involved in the socilization process

d:institutions involved in the socilization process

Question 2

Which of the following is typically the earliest agent of socialization?

Group of answer choices


b:mass media



Question 3

What is social stratification?

Group of answer choices

a:A socioeconomic system that provides for the betterment of a society

b:A socioeconomic system that manipulates people for profit

c:a socioeconomic system that divides society’s members into categories ranking from high to low, based on things like wealth, power, and prestige

d:The ways in which a sociaoeconomic system pertains to social control and deviance

Question 4

What is meritocracy?

Group of answer choices

a:the social structure that denies any upward mobility

b:The benefits that come only through education

c:An ideal system of rewards for even the laziest among us

d:an ideal system in which personal effort—or merit—determines social standing

Question 5

Structural mobility occurs when:

Group of answer choices

a:an individual moves up the class ladder

b:an individual moves down the class ladder

c:a large group moves up or down the class ladder due to societal changes

d:a member of a family belongs to a different class than his or her siblings

Question 6

The behaviors, customs, and norms associated with a class are known as:

Group of answer choices

a:class traits




In: Psychology

1). In approximately 350 words, please: Summarize and briefly explain Thomson’s “ailing violinist” case. What are...

1). In approximately 350 words, please:

Summarize and briefly explain Thomson’s “ailing violinist” case. What are the details of the case? What are Thomson’s moral intuitions about the case? And how (specifically) is Thomson’s violinist case supposed to motivate an argument in favor of the moral permissibility of abortion in certain cases? In other words, how is Thomson’s argument is supposed to work and what is it supposed to ultimately show? Do you think Thomson’s argument is a good one? Explain why or why not.

2).  In approximately 350 words, please:

Summarize and briefly explain Marquis' argument for the impermissibility of abortion. What specific considerations does Marquis use to support his argument? According to Marquis, what is it (most fundamentally) that makes killing wrong? And how (specifically) is Marquis’ view about the wrongness of killing supposed to motivate an argument in favor of the moral impermissibility of abortion? Do you think Marquis’ argument is a good one? Explain why or why not.

In: Psychology

What are culture-bound syndromes? What are some examples of culture-bound syndromes? Are culture-bound syndromes reflective of...

What are culture-bound syndromes? What are some examples of culture-bound syndromes? Are culture-bound syndromes reflective of universal trends? Why or why not?

In: Psychology

Carefully reflect on what it means to be ‘informed’ as you make decisions and judgments. In...

Carefully reflect on what it means to be ‘informed’ as you make decisions and judgments.

In addition, what is your perspective on the role of, or need for, authorities in terms of making good decisions (before and after our reading)?

For example, if there are medical concerns, you would consult with a doctor.

If there are concerns over the environment, you would consult with an environmental scientist or other expert in the field.What about morality?

What about becoming the kind of person you want to be?

In: Psychology

If you were an entrepreneur, which pitfall(s) do you believe you might be susceptible to, and...

If you were an entrepreneur, which pitfall(s) do you believe you might be susceptible to, and what is the treatment?

In: Psychology

Read “Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Mental and Physical Exercises Combine for Better Cognitive Health” Should...

Read “Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Mental and Physical Exercises Combine for Better Cognitive Health”

Should doctors suggest aerobic exercise for their patients interested in maintaining or improving their cognitive functions? What about psychologists working with individuals who have mood or anxiety disorders, or clients with attention problems?

In: Psychology

In at least 2-3 pages, please discuss the following: 1-What are the habits of healthy families?...

In at least 2-3 pages, please discuss the following:

1-What are the habits of healthy families?

2-What's the impact of abuse on children?

3-What factors build resilience in children?

4-How can faith/spirituality offset the impact of mistreatment for children?

Include a subheading per discussion question above for organization. Be sure to start with an intro paragraph on what the paper will cover and end with a summary paragraph on the main points covered and overall implications. Also, be sure to integrate at least one academic journal to support some of your comments.

In: Psychology

Q- Farheen is a 28-year-old chemistry student but she has an intense anxiety concerning University Exams....

Q- Farheen is a 28-year-old chemistry student but she has an intense anxiety concerning University Exams. While speaking to her friend she exhibited certain beliefs and cognitive distortions about her. Mentioned below are the statements which she often expresses, identify cognitive distortion in each statement and give a rationale of that as well. (Each statement ONLY has ONE cognitive distortion).

  • I am nothing unless I have a degree
  • I always have to please my family
  • I cannot cope with the exams
  • If I cannot cope with this, I cannot cope with anything
  • I always have to do everything perfectly well; otherwise others will look down on me
  • It’s my thing to make my father happy as he expects from me and I ruin everything every time.
  • I have to be complete my degree with distinction or else I’m unable to do anything in my life
  • No matter what I do this degree will always bother me

In: Psychology