1 Historically, four social revolutions have occurred as a result of new technologies. Identify the technologies...

1 Historically, four social revolutions have occurred as a result of new technologies. Identify the technologies which led to these social changes and explain the consequences of these technologies.

2 Explain the different assumptions unilinear as well as multilinear evolutionary theories have about the social changes in a society.

3 List and describe the five stages of social movements.

In: Psychology

What policies and actions were in place to ensure children’s safety? How would you describe these...

What policies and actions were in place to ensure children’s safety? How would you describe these to prospective parents to help them feel that their child would be secure in the environment?

In: Psychology

Pick two characteristics in the movie '' The Blind Side (2009) - Rotten Tomatoes" and analyzing...

Pick two characteristics in the movie '' The Blind Side (2009) - Rotten Tomatoes" and analyzing there behavior from psychological perspective.

In: Psychology

What are the most striking similarities between religion and education as social institutions? What are the...

What are the most striking similarities between religion and education as social institutions? What are the most significant differences? (own words)

In: Psychology

Explain what the elements are for Identity Theft and how they differ from the elements of...

Explain what the elements are for Identity Theft and how they differ from the elements of Larceny.

In: Psychology

Why is it important to place students in the least restrictive environment, and how often should...

Why is it important to place students in the least restrictive environment, and how often should this setting be reviewed for effectiveness?


In: Psychology

Which chapter of the New Testament do you like best? Why? (about 300 words)

Which chapter of the New Testament do you like best? Why? (about 300 words)

In: Psychology

How should Christianity respond to the emergence of Darwinian evolution? (about 300 words)

How should Christianity respond to the emergence of Darwinian evolution? (about 300 words)

In: Psychology

My Values: In this section you will write about your values, such as whether you follow...

My Values: In this section you will write about your values, such as whether you follow individualistic or collective values or a combination of both. Explain some of these individualistic or collective values. Also in this section write about an issue that you are passionate about such as gender equality, climate change, education or any other issue that interests you and say what you can do to contribute positively to this issue.

In: Psychology

Case: Susan is a five-year old girl who is attending preschool with approximately thirteen kids in...

Case: Susan is a five-year old girl who is attending preschool with approximately thirteen kids in her class. She has been in preschool for three years now. Teachers are concerned that Susan has been “acting out” in class a lot and seems to be in appropriate. For example, there were quite a few incidents that Susan hugs and kisses boys and girls. She pulls up and down her dresses. On the playground underneath the slides she has been found lying on another boy. Susan likes to go into the bathroom while others are going to the bathroom. The bathroom is unisex without stalls. Susan sometimes comes into her parent’s bedroom and sleeps with them. She tries to come into the bathroom while her dad is using the bathroom. She has come in on dad while he is getting dress. Her dad admits that he is not always very careful about modesty around the house. She is also inattentive and somewhat hyperactive in class. Teachers report that Susan is behind in her pre-kindergarden skills but everyone seems to think that she is intelligent and could learn them. Susan sometimes place herself in “harmful” ways to get attention from others; she will stand in front of a swing or sit at the bottom of a slide only to get hurt and have to go to the nurse’s office. Parents tell Susan to go to her room as punishment for her outside of circle time since she does not know how to act appropriately in circle. Teachers have taught other students to assert themselves and to hold up their hands and say, “Stay back,” when Susan intrudes their places.
1 As a teacher, what do you want to know about the child?
2 What interventions should be conducted with Susan to get her “behaviors” under control?
3 How will you evaluate Susan’s response to your intervention? Please be specific about what behavior changes you will be looking for and how you will evaluate those changes
4 What criteria will you use to determine the success of your behavioral intervention?

In: Psychology

Chapter 10. Would prostitution be more injurious or less injurious to the public health, welfare, and...

Chapter 10. Would prostitution be more injurious or less injurious to the public health, welfare, and morality if it were legalized and regulated?

In: Psychology

In what specific ways is the social environment related to health and illness in this country?...

In what specific ways is the social environment related to health and illness in this country? (In your own words)

In: Psychology

This writing assignment will involve implementing and analyzing a behavior modification program on yourself. The behavior...

This writing assignment will involve implementing and analyzing a behavior modification program on yourself. The behavior is ANXIETY OF MEETING NEW PEOPLE. This assignment is to develop your own functional behavior assessment. A minimum of 3 paragraphs per question is required.

Modification Plan: In this section, you need to describe your assessment and intervention plan. How will you collect data on the behavior in order to evaluate whether or not it is changing? Describe any forms or graphs you plan to use. What behavior modification technique or techniques will you use? If you had someone else involved (for example, giving rewards) who else was involved and what did that person do. You may feel free to create your own rating and self-monitoring forms. Be creative but please note that the plan is to effectively "modify" the target behavior. You are more than welcome to reference the scientific literature (including our textbook) to get behavior modification ideas (three paragraphs or so).

The Data: Your program should consist of two phases. First, collect some baseline data for at least a week. What is the frequency or intensity of the behavior before you started your behavior modification program? Second, collect some treatment data for at least a week. The data does not have to be "real." In other words, please draw a a hypothetical line graph that shows both baseline and treatment phases how the data would "look like." You are also more than welcome to use tables to present how your behavior changed from baseline to treatment. Please do NOT just attach graphs. You need to analyze and summarize the data in this plan (a graph, table, and detailed explanation.

In: Psychology

Describe how to collect data and to monitor target behaviors and replacement behaviors. What is a...

Describe how to collect data and to monitor target behaviors and replacement behaviors.

What is a major drawback of FBA?

In: Psychology

what is Kant’s basic approach to morality in general, the different formulations of the Categorical Imperative,...

what is Kant’s basic approach to morality in general, the different formulations of the Categorical Imperative, and actions that are deemed morally wrong via the Categorical Imperative

In: Psychology