Psychology 150 Gender Roles Discussion I love this stuff!! I was raised by my mom, and...

Psychology 150

Gender Roles Discussion

I love this stuff!!

I was raised by my mom, and therefore I learned while growing up that the "person" who is home is the one to take care of the kids, cook and clean. I did not learn the traditional gender roles... man does - women does.. I am very open and think that each person has roles defined by their experience. As an adult I am the one who does the majority of the house stuff in our family (granted not as well as my wife wants it done). When I talk to some of my peers they would never drive the Minivan (my Honda!) or cook dinner for the family because it would make them a "Chick."

What do you see as your Gender? When did you learn your gender roles? When did you discover your sexuality? - I do not mean sexual behavior or activity...but when did you learn about relationships and dating...

Where do you see your Gender Roles in 10 years? What about when you are 50? What about when you are 70?

In: Psychology

Discuss one effect that the two-party system of the United States has on the political interests...

Discuss one effect that the two-party system of the United States has on the political interests of American citizens. Suggest one reason or strategy used by the two-party system to keep third party candidates from successfully running for president.

In: Psychology

You are a computer scientist. You are in a real financial dilemma. You have a family...

You are a computer scientist. You are in a real financial dilemma. You have a family to care for and children to school. You have a son who is supposed to undergo a surgical operation but you cannot afford the operation expenses. Doctors say that delaying the operation may expose his life to a danger. You know that a friend of yours has recently developed a competitive computer program. You also know that he spent few months working on it and it cost him much. You can successfully, with no chance of being discovered, pirate this program and sell it at tens of thousands of dollars, and thus pay your son's operation expenses.

Read and answer the following questions:

5- Seek help ( for example to ask for help from brother or something like that) ?

6-Find any possible solutions for the problem ( as many as possible)?

7- Find the consequences of each possible solution?

8-identify the best solution and why you chose it ?

I hope you can help me solve these questions ...

In: Psychology

REVIEW: Cite evidence that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to Alzheimer’s disease and cerebrovascular dementia....

REVIEW: Cite evidence that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to Alzheimer’s disease and cerebrovascular dementia.

REVIEW: Many older people adapt effectively to negative life changes. List personal and situational factors that facilitate this generally positive outcome.

In: Psychology

Discuss Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). Your answer should include what we know about its cause, how...

Discuss Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). Your answer should include what we know about its cause, how individuals with CAH are affected anatomically and behaviorally, and what should be done when raising an individual with CAH.

In: Psychology

If you want to improve the chances of good development for children today, what societal changes...

If you want to improve the chances of good development for children today, what societal changes or cultural changes would you recommend? Base your choices on a developmental theory, and make sure to refer to the theory in your answer.

In: Psychology

To complete this assignment, describe the symptoms, characteristics and potential treatments for autism.

To complete this assignment, describe the symptoms, characteristics and potential treatments for autism.

In: Psychology

Psychology 150 Divorce Discussion This is a big one - and very hard for a lot...

Psychology 150

Divorce Discussion

This is a big one - and very hard for a lot of people - We have 3 of our kid's friends going through divorces right now. It is really a struggle for all the parties concerned. All three of them are caused by infidelity (affairs).

I want you to think about a divorce.. and how it effects the family members from different ages.. Think about cognitive development, moral development and even language development when you post your comments.

Do not forget old people!! The families Parents and grandparents.

In: Psychology

Question 1 (1 point) The number of teen pregnancies in the US ______ between the 1990's...

Question 1 (1 point)

The number of teen pregnancies in the US ______ between the 1990's and the present.

Question 1 options:


increased by almost 25%






stayed about the same

Question 2 (1 point)

2 year old Alex shows evidence of learning difficulties, motor delays, and hyperactivity. He also has unusual facial features including small eye openings, a thin upper lip, and a short nose. His mother smoked and drank while she was pregnant with him. Based on these characteristics, it is possible that Alex has which of the following conditions?

Question 2 options:




Fetal Alcohol Syndrome




Down Syndrome

Question 3 (1 point)

Question 3 options:

The gradual shifting of control from parent to a elementary school aged child in order to grant the child more independence while still providing supervision is called


Question 4 (1 point)

Ten year old Susie refused to do her chores and became defiant when her father asked her again. The best way to deal with Susie’s defiance is to:

Question 4 options:


Put her on time out for 10 minutes


Send her to her room for the evening


Temporarily take away her privileges like Internet time or playtime with her best friend Alice


Lightly spank her on the bottom

Question 5 (1 point)

On average, boys start to become larger than girls around the age of 5.

Question 5 options:


In: Psychology

Describe three mnemonic devices. Describe a situation requiring memorization of material and discuss how the three...

Describe three mnemonic devices. Describe a situation requiring memorization of material and discuss how the three mnemonic devices could be used. Explain which mnemonic device you think would be most effective.

In: Psychology

Sandy is an executive assistant of a luxury apparel brand. She has skipped lunch and other...

Sandy is an executive assistant of a luxury apparel brand. She has skipped lunch and other
social gatherings for the last six months so she can save sufficient money to buy a Hermes
handbag which costs more than three times her monthly salary. Sandy explained that she
wanted a good quality handbag that can last for a long time.
a) Explain the meaning of manifest and latent motive. Identify the
manifest and latent motive that may drive Sandy to desire for a Hermes
b) Explain the meaning of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.
Identify the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation behind Sandy’s desire to
buy a Hermes handbag.

In: Psychology

Please compare and contrast two schools of thought in psychology and discuss how each school would...

Please compare and contrast two schools of thought in psychology and discuss how each school would view or describe depression.

In: Psychology

Explain Sandel’s defense of human embryonic stem cell research and Lee and George’s reply to Sandel....

Explain Sandel’s defense of human embryonic stem cell research and Lee and George’s reply to Sandel. Then give evidence that Lee and George’s reply succeeds or fails.

In: Psychology

Identify a public policy problem in the community engagement area you are working in, or one...

Identify a public policy problem in the community engagement area you are working in, or one that you are familiar with. Your post (about two paragraphs of 2-3 sentences) should cover the nature of the policy problem (lack of money, too much or not enrough regulation, lack of services etc), the level of government and agency responsible for the policy (e.g. Commonwealth Government, Department of Social Security), and what you think could realistically be done about the policy problem.

In: Psychology

Neutralization theory suggests that people who break the law know

Neutralization theory suggests that people who break the law know

In: Psychology