sociology- Discuss and illustrate the impact of alcohol dependency on the children in the family. Young...

Discuss and illustrate the impact of alcohol dependency on the children in the family. Young children are essentially powerless and dependent upon adults. How does a parent who is dependent on alcohol impact the lives of their children? What are the ages at which children most vulnerable. Compare and contrast at least two stages of childhood with the impact on adult children of alcoholics? What are their coping mechanisms and what roles do they play in the family? [Some roles that are discussed are "family hero", the "lost child", the family "mascot", and/or the "scapegoat".

In: Psychology

Events and activities happen so fast that there is no time to think or evaluate correct...

Events and activities happen so fast that there is no time to think or evaluate correct courses of action. Time to meditate and evaluate and think circumspectly has been absorbed in social media communications, emails, and events.

Quality family time with loved ones and children are non existent in many homes. Rarely do families sit down for a family dinner and discuss the events of the day. Informational technology has deteriorated family structure and is a contributor to anti-social behavior in high school teens. This can lead to violent behaviors such as mass shootings within our primary and secondary schools.

Is there substantive data to support this theory? What historical precedent is there to guide how much families should rely on informational technology. What are your conclusions?

In: Psychology

and analyze each of these experiments. You will prepare two separate analyses; for each analysis, include...

and analyze each of these experiments. You will prepare two separate analyses; for each analysis, include the following:

A brief summary of the study

A one paragraph explanation of   the background in the field leading up to the study, and the reasons the researchers carried out the project.

The significance of the study to the field of psychology

A brief discussion of supportive or contradictory follow-up research findings and subsequent questioning or criticism from others in the field  

A summary of at least one recent experiment (within the past two years) that is related to the seminal experiment (Hint: Excellent sources for recent research summaries are the American Psychological Association’s Monitor on Psychology and the Association for Psychological Science).

Your own evaluation of whether the breakthrough experiments of Drs. Gardner and Loftus were examples of genius, the zeitgeist, or some other factor. Use their own autobiographical accounts as well as your analyses of their experiments and personal stories to support your opinion.

In: Psychology

Compare scholarly sources and peer reviewed sources, what are the similarities and differences

Compare scholarly sources and peer reviewed sources, what are the similarities and differences

In: Psychology

Discuss the role of Christian imagery in Ben Hur and Spartacus. How well does this Christian...

Discuss the role of Christian imagery in Ben Hur and Spartacus. How well does this Christian imagery fit in the story of a Jewish revolt against the Romans (Ben Hur) or the story of a slave uprising almost 70 years before the birth of Christ (Spartacus)?

In: Psychology

1Identify three advantages to studying development from a lifespan perspective. 2From a theoretical perspective, why do...

1Identify three advantages to studying development from a lifespan perspective.

2From a theoretical perspective, why do you think most Developmental Psychologists take an eclectic approach?

3Pick one psychological paradigm and discuss how it may be used to study development.

In: Psychology

Discuss the impact of race, gender, and socioeconomic status on physical and psychological health.  To what extent...

Discuss the impact of race, gender, and socioeconomic status on physical and psychological health.  To what extent should individuals be held responsible for their health and actions if these are shaped by their opportunities and circumstances?

In: Psychology

Do you think the suffragists were actually willing to die for their cause?

Do you think the suffragists were actually willing to die for their cause?

In: Psychology

What does "ontological" mean? In the excerpt from the encyclopedia entry on Feminist Ethics, the authors...

What does "ontological" mean?

In the excerpt from the encyclopedia entry on Feminist Ethics, the authors used the term "ontological" in describing the foundation of the various feminist approaches.

"Ontology" is a branch, or field, of Philosophy. In this field, philosophers investigate "reality" or "existence."

To do so, they attempt to answer questions like: What is the nature of reality? What exists fundamentally? What is the "bottom-line" of all that is?

We can ask these ontological questions about specific things, too, like human beings.

Feminist argue that the ontological question "What is a human being" has been answered as if it were actually the question "What is a man?" In other words, men answered the question about what is real by examining their experiences and then universalizing this for all human beings. As a result, women were ignored and/or found to be morally deficient.

For example, Aristotle claimed that women had barely enough reason to handle household matters, like knowing how to keep food stocked(!). Contrasting men an women, he wrote "a man would be thought a coward if he were only as brave as a brave woman..." Politics,1227b.

You can see why feminist thinkers challenged this idea of "reality." They sought to correct the "ontological status" of men and women.

In: Psychology

Write short notes on the following classifications of law: a. Case law b. Civil law c....

Write short notes on the following classifications of law: a. Case law b. Civil law c. Criminal law d. Public law

In: Psychology

Explain why the distinction between BICS and CALP is important. Which takes longer to develop?

Explain why the distinction between BICS and CALP is important. Which takes longer to develop?

In: Psychology

Describe the philosophy of rationalism .What are the basic differences between empiricism and rationalism? Choose a...

Describe the philosophy of rationalism .What are the basic differences between empiricism and rationalism? Choose a philosopher from chapter 6 whose ideas you think are important to the birth of scientific psychology  

In: Psychology

a. What is a constitution? b. State any three (3) three features of a constitution. c....

a. What is a constitution? b. State any three (3) three features of a constitution. c. State three (3) disadvantages of case law. d. Explain the following legal doctrines: i. Stare decisis ii. Orbiter dicta.

In: Psychology

Ethics is basically about right and wrong but what is right or wrong is relative to...

Ethics is basically about right and wrong but what is right or wrong is relative to certain principles or theories. Discuss the view that no one theory of Ethics is complete by itself.

In: Psychology

How does the concept of selective attention relate to learning?

How does the concept of selective attention relate to learning?

In: Psychology