According to Dewey, what are the three natural resources that contribute to the training of thought?

According to Dewey, what are the three natural resources that contribute to the training of thought?

In: Psychology

How are Early Tang and Late Tang eras different? Can we call the Tang era "cosmopolitan?"...

How are Early Tang and Late Tang eras different? Can we call the Tang era "cosmopolitan?" Why or why not? (250 words)

Socrates speaks of two sorts of accusers the old and the recent. Which does he think is the more dangerous? Why? Why does Socrates refer to himself as a gadfly? What do you think he means by this metaphor? (600-700 words)

In: Psychology

Discussion about what is going on with North Korea today and connect with the north Korea...

Discussion about what is going on with North Korea today and connect with the north Korea in the cold war.?

In: Psychology

What is the importance of an investigator knowing the laws of arrest and the rules of...

What is the importance of an investigator knowing the laws of arrest and the rules of evidence and what is the importance of early coordination with the prosecutors, particularly as it pertains to obtaining search and arrest warrants?

In: Psychology

Discussion 3 - Chapter 2 – Evidence Based Corrections California passed Proposition 47 to reduce prison...

Discussion 3 - Chapter 2 – Evidence Based Corrections

California passed Proposition 47 to reduce prison overcrowding. Discuss the impact on corrections in California. Be specific

In: Psychology

In as much detail as possible, discuss two phenomenological research methods that emerged from the phenomenological...

In as much detail as possible, discuss two phenomenological research methods that emerged from the phenomenological philosophy of Husserl and the central tenets of each method with what is known about the theorists/psychologists who developed each method?

In: Psychology

How did the Beatles reflect the social and cultural changes of the 1960s??

How did the Beatles reflect the social and cultural changes of the 1960s??

In: Psychology

examples of procedural, episodic, declarative, episodic, semantic, and prospective memory?

examples of procedural, episodic, declarative, episodic, semantic, and prospective memory?

In: Psychology

1. How does Callahan describe “private killing”? Why would euthanasia be a form of private What...

1. How does Callahan describe “private killing”? Why would euthanasia be a form of private What is Rachel’s main concern with allowing a patient to die? How does direct action by a doctor differ from cases where treatment is withheld from a patient?

In: Psychology

b be bff beft friends, forever bc because b4 before b4n ’bye for now bbl be...

b be
bff beft friends, forever
bc because
b4 before
b4n ’bye for now
bbl be back later
bcnu be seeing you
brb be right back
btw by the way
cu see you
def definitely
g2g got to go
gal get a life
gmta great minds think alike
gr8 great
hagn have a good night

h&k hugs and kisses
idc I don’t care
idt I don’t think
idk I don’t know
imbl it must be love
irl in real life
jk just kidding
jw just wondering
j4f just for fun
kc keep cool
l8r later
lmao laugh my ass off
ltnc long time no see
myob mind your own business
np no problem
nvm never mind
omg oh my gosh
pcm please call me
plz please
prbly probably
qpsa ¿Que pasa?
rt right
sup what’s up
thanx thanks
u you
uok you okay?
ur you are
w/ with
w/e whatever
w/o without
wan2 want to
wtf what the f*ck
y why
2l8 too late
? question
2 to, two
4 for, four
1)What does the creation of symbols (as those listed in the reading) suggest about culture?
2)Do you think that using such symbols is a good way to communicate?
3)Does it lead to confusion or misunderstanding?
4)Why or why not? Please provide an example.

In: Psychology

No single theory can explain the behaviour of all crowds. Discuss.

No single theory can explain the behaviour of all crowds. Discuss.

In: Psychology

Modern development has both harms and benefits for many today. Discuss these issues. 100 Words max

Modern development has both harms and benefits for many today. Discuss these issues.

100 Words max

In: Psychology

How does a behavioral health provider differ from a clinician or licensed counselor?

How does a behavioral health provider differ from a clinician or licensed counselor?

In: Psychology

professor instructions for the assignment: You can earn extra credit if you read an article or...

professor instructions for the assignment: You can earn extra credit if you read an article or news item about a project we discussed in class and write a 2 page reaction paper about it. Your paper must tell me about the project you read about, what makes it a sustainable or resilient project, what are the impacts, what did you like about the article, what did you not like, etc..

I would like to write about this new project that would expand public transportation in the Soundview area of the Bronx. An abandoned dock is being remodeled and rehabilitated for the project which is planning to open during summer 2018.

This is an article I found online that talks about this project.....

Ferry service to Soundview should be a reality this year, and some are calling for even more service in transit-starved east Bronx waterfront communities.

The route of service that includes Soundview’s ferry stop, is scheduled to begin service later this year from Clason Point Park, and the ferry dock is now under construction, according to NYC Economic Development Corporation.

As that plan inches closer to becoming a reality, the borough president used his 2018 State of the Borough speech on Thursday, February 22 to advocate for additional ferry landings.

“Ferry service is coming to Soundview, and should come to Throggs Neck and City Island as well,” said Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr.

Diaz’s spokesman let the quote stand without further elaboration, but in the two east Bronx communities, leaders who have long advocated for ferry service made their case for additional stops.

Robert Barbarelli, Throggs Neck Home Owners Association board member, said he believes that ferry service could come to Throggs Neck, adding that S.U.N.Y. Maritime already docks a large training vessel in Throggs Neck.

“The waterways are not used enough which I think is a reason why there are always traffic issues on our roads,” said Barbarelli. “Utilizing waterways is a faster and more scenic route to get downtown.”

Dotti Poggi, Ferry Point Community Advocates leader, said that Ferry Point Park has a parking lot that could be used for ferry customers.

“Ferry Point is a perfect place because it has already has the infrastruc­ture,” she said.

John Doyle, City Island Civic Association officer said he believes that one appropriate location for a ferry stop could be Orchard Beach, because it already has an large parking lot that is underutilized for nine months out of the year.

“Just having this mentioned in one of these speeches is helpful as this point,” said Doyle. “I am really hoping that when the Soundview ferry comes into service that it is super successful, because then we can build on that success.”

William Rivera, Community Board 9 district manager, said that the final details for the Soundview ferry are being worked out, including expanding service on the Bx 27 and Bx 39 buses by one stop during hours of operation so that commuters don’t have to walk far from the bus to ferry.

He is also involved in the planning of a community meeting in Clason Point that will take place prior to ferry operations starting.

Also being worked on are issues related to security, safety, lighting, parking, bathrooms and amenities at the Soundview ferry.

“Everyone supports the ferry, we just make sure it is done right,” said Rivera.

An EDC spokeswoman said stops along the ferry route servicing Soundview have changed in Manhattan, with an East 62nd Street stop dropped and an East 34th Street stop added.

The spokeswoman said that EDC “will begin to analyze ridership potential and landing capabilities for future expansion to other communities once we successfully implement 2018 routes this summer.”

In: Psychology

What types of strategies should be used to reduce drug use in the U.S.? ?

What types of strategies should be used to reduce drug use in the U.S.? ?

In: Psychology