Describe how social research could aid in the passage of laws or potentially prevent the enacment...

Describe how social research could aid in the passage of laws or potentially prevent the enacment of poor laws. Mention at least 4 of the following major concepts: Scientific method, Hypothesis, Random sample, Hawthorne effect, Dependent and Independent variable, Experimental and Control group, Qualitative and Quantitative research, Reliability and validity, Mean, median, mode, correlation, causal, logic, and code of ethics.

In: Psychology

How have developed Western countries affected non-western developing nations during the modern period? Explain how three...

How have developed Western countries affected non-western developing nations during the modern period? Explain how three political, economic, and/or cultural approaches by European and other Western countries shaped the developing world over the last 250 years.

In: Psychology

Marry Ellen : Social worker please explain the Information on the cause and activities the leader...

Marry Ellen : Social worker please explain the Information on the cause and activities the leader is known for? and the impact that the individual has had on the profession and society.

In: Psychology

"Music does not change a society; rather it reflects the society in which it exists." How...

"Music does not change a society; rather it reflects the society in which it exists." How do you feel about this statement? There are many people who would say that music can and does affect a society. Discuss which view point you believe and why you feel the way you do. Provide examples that will support your belief. In these writing assignments you will be graded on content, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, mechanics, organization, and evidence or support.

In: Psychology

Explain the public perception of the poor?

Explain the public perception of the poor?

In: Psychology

How could television be used to improve social and political life?

How could television be used to improve social and political life?

In: Psychology

?Explain why an upset stomach and difficulty sleeping are among the commonly occurring symptoms of medium-term...

?Explain why an upset stomach and difficulty sleeping are among the commonly occurring symptoms of medium-term chronic stress.

In: Psychology

1.Employees often perform work tasks simply because their bosses tell them to do so. This is...

1.Employees often perform work tasks simply because their bosses tell them to do so. This is an example of __________ power.





2. Brianna is trying to increase her chances of being promoted to vice president by working to build good work relationships with other managers outside her own department.  Brianna's behavior should be viewed as

dysfunctional politics.

functional politics.

coercive power.

functional influence.

3. Tara wants the Vice President of the Gingerbread Factory to know about the sudden resignation of one of her co-workers but she suspects that it will take several days for that news to travel through the formal channels. Tara mentions the news to her office manager in passing, knowing that the office manager has lunch with the VP's administrative assistant every day. Tara is assuming which communication method will get that message up to the VP?

The Y chain

The Circle

The Grapevine

The All-Channel

4. Censoring a message is characteristic of filtering.



5. In a university setting, professors are typically designated as

line employees.

staff employees.

both line and staff employees.

neither line nor staff employees.

In: Psychology

Write out your own response to the question below. Have it atleast 6 sentences long fully...

Write out your own response to the question below. Have it atleast 6 sentences long fully answering the question

1. “What leadership traits/principles do you feel are most necessary to developing a
cohesive and effective unit?”

In: Psychology

2. Chandler and his current roommate, Alex, were both transferred to a new city and needed...

2. Chandler and his current roommate, Alex, were both transferred to a new city and needed to find a new apartment. They carefully considered every apartment within their price range and finally, rented one that met all of their criteria. Complete A and B, below, with regard to their experience. For each of the concepts, define the term and then, apply that term/concept to the specific situation.

A. For each concept below, define it, and then explain how the concept might relate to their decision to buy a home:

  • one of the three steps to problem-solving we learned about (choose a specific one!)
  • classical conditioning
  • confirmation bias
  • divergent thinking

B. For each concept, below, define it and provide an example that explains how the concept could relate to life in their new home and new neighborhood.

  • extrinsic motivation
  • proactive interference
  • observational learning.

In: Psychology

The term gender and sex are frequently confused as they are used interchangeably in our society....

The term gender and sex are frequently confused as they are used interchangeably in our society. In an effort to avoid using the word sex, we now ask people for their gender on surveys and questionnaires. The choices are Male and Female which is incorrect for gender identity. If you are asking me my gender you should use Masculine and Feminine. It is a common issue in our society. How can society be helped to change their understanding of the words?

In: Psychology

The choice to continue driving in late adulthood is a personal choice. Should there be any...

The choice to continue driving in late adulthood is a personal choice. Should there be any special restrictions on driving in late adulthood (restrictions above and beyond the ones that apply to all drivers—see below) and why? If so, should they be based on age and/or other factors? If not, why not? Think about implications on both sides of the argument (e.g., discrimination vs. public safety).

In: Psychology

Addictions, substance abuse, and how they affect the physical and mental health of native Americans. 1....

Addictions, substance abuse, and how they affect the physical and mental health of native Americans.

1. Causes of alcoholism and drug abuse?

2. Consequences of alcoholism and drug abuse?

3. How do alcoholism and drug abuse affect the mental and physical health of native Americans?

4. Treatments that could help indigenous people to overcome this type of issues?

5. Treatments that are specific to indigenous ways of healing?

In: Psychology

Define psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). Provide two examples of study findings arising from PNI research.

Define psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). Provide two examples of study findings arising from PNI research.

In: Psychology

What global forces are affecting the U.S. economy nowadays? What consequences are they having? How are...

  • What global forces are affecting the U.S. economy nowadays?

  • What consequences are they having?

  • How are these global forces affecting your life?

In: Psychology