write a problem statement on Christians consistent lateness to church

write a problem statement on Christians consistent lateness to church

In: Psychology

How did the Vietnam War transform American politics and culture by the 1970s? Consider the political,...

How did the Vietnam War transform American politics and culture by the 1970s? Consider the political, economic, social, and racial consequences of this conflict.

In: Psychology

Pick one of the theories or issues related to middle adulthood. Describe the theory or issue,...

Pick one of the theories or issues related to middle adulthood. Describe the theory or issue, provide supporting evidence of any resources that was used for the discussion.

In: Psychology

How does hypnosis work? Why do you believe it seems to work more effectively with some...

How does hypnosis work? Why do you believe it seems to work more effectively with some individuals than with others?

In: Psychology

Examine the cognitive and personality changes that lead some people to refer to middle age as...

  • Examine the cognitive and personality changes that lead some people to refer to middle age as the "prime of life."
  • Why do you think many people view someone in mid-life as "over the hill?"
  • Why do you think there is a divergence between what we consider middle age and calling someone "over the hill" once they reach that age?
  • Has your view of aging changed as you get older? How?

In: Psychology

What are “natural” ways of coping with the pain of childbirth? Is childbirth at home safe?

What are “natural” ways of coping with the pain of childbirth? Is childbirth at home safe?

In: Psychology

critically evaluate four areas that would bring pressures on the organization to change.

critically evaluate four areas that would bring pressures on the organization to change.

In: Psychology

Short Answer Question Please choose one of the theories or theory categories that we have discussed...

Short Answer Question

Please choose one of the theories or theory categories that we have discussed so far (biological, behavioral, Tolman’s purposive behavior, expectancy value theory, or force field theory) and discuss how it could be used to motivate someone. Please be sure to write at least three sentences.

In: Psychology

Heike's older brother has suffered from chronic depression for several years. Unfortunately, Heike has been incorrectly...

  1. Heike's older brother has suffered from chronic depression for several years. Unfortunately, Heike has been incorrectly informed by her parents that there is a 40 percent chance she will also suffer from depression. Explain how the availability heuristic, framing, the confirmation bias, and belief perseverance might lead Heike to conclude that she will definitely be a victim of a severe depressive disorder

In: Psychology

Explain Ayer’s version of compatibilism about free will and determinism?

Explain Ayer’s version of compatibilism about free will and determinism?

In: Psychology

Who did Luther believed to be saved?

Who did Luther believed to be saved?

In: Psychology

You may think tax preparation is straightforward. Well, taxes tell a story of people's lives, and...

You may think tax preparation is straightforward. Well, taxes tell a story of people's lives, and people's lives are never straightforward. So get ready to sort through some crazy drama to deliver good tax advice. To get started, here is an actual tax-related write-in from the official Dear Abby column

I have just learned that my sister's husband of 35 years (I'll call him George) hasn't filed their personal income taxes going back a number of years. This has caused a lot of stress and anxiety for my sister, who recently underwent breast cancer treatment. Apparently, he hasn't filed because of his inability to organize. (His family has denial issues.)

Their professional tax preparer has met with both of them and tried to work out a step-by-step program, but George consistently fails to meet the deadlines. I love my sister and want to be as supportive as possible, but I'm unsure what I can do. I have advised her to seek therapy. She has copies of business-related documents relating to the unfiled tax periods, but not enough information to file on her own.

On top of everything else, she has several relationship issues with her children that are causing her grief. What else can I do? —HELPLESS BIG BROTHER (Van Buren, 2015)

Reply to Helpless Big Brother in the guise of Dear Tabby. If this were your friend, what advice would you give him? In order to provide sound advice, you must include tax code(s) you examined to arrive at your conclusion.

In: Psychology

What's trending? Healthy Living Among College Students! 300 word count please

What's trending? Healthy Living Among College Students!

300 word count please

In: Psychology

Choose one of the major current issues in sexuality we covered in the last part of...

Choose one of the major current issues in sexuality we covered in the last part of the course: sex work or sex education. Cover the following points:

1)     define the issue, including a discussion of why it is an issue

2)     describe any particularly affected communities and/or groups of people

3)     summarize any major ongoing debates around the issue

4)     discuss any proposed solutions or attempts to produce change around the issue

5)     draw your own conclusion about the best approach to the issue, drawing on the evidence you’ve provided in your essay

In: Psychology

A classmate argues that “the best way to handle stress is to work harder and meet...

  1. A classmate argues that “the best way to handle stress is to work harder and meet life's challenges head-on.” Evaluate both the strengths and the weaknesses of your classmate's position in light of the distinction between coping with stress and managing stress.

In: Psychology