In: Computer Science
The Central Processing Unit consist of three main units. List these three units and discuss the functionality of each.
CPU (Central Processing Unit) consists of three main units.
1) Memory or Storage Unit
Memory is a collection of storage registers used to transfer
information in and out of the unit. It can store instructions,
data, and intermediate results. it can provide information when it
is needed. The information stored in the memory as binary code
groups of bits called word. The binary is two logic levels logic 1
and logic 0 .Bit: is binary digit (1) or (0), and Byte: is a group
of eight bits.
Memory in general is divided into two general categories:
primary memory: The primary memory is also known as internal memory. It is the types of computer memories that are directly accessed by the processor using data bus are called primary memory. That allows a processor to access stores running programs and currently processed data.These memories are limited in capacity and manufactured by using integrated circuits (IC) or semiconductor device. Its speed of Data accessing is faster than secondary memory. It is more expensive than secondary memory.
Types of Primary Memory
secondary memory : This type of memory is also known as external memory or non-volatile. It is slower than the main memory. These are used for storing data/information permanently. For example, disk, CD-ROM, DVD, etc.
2) Control
A control unit or CU is circuitry that directs operations within a computer's processor. CU functions are as follows:
Control Units are designed of two types. they are,Hardwired control and Microprogram control.
The Hardwired control is based on a fixed architecture and made up of flip-flops, logic gates, digital circuits and encoder and decoder circuits that are wired in a specific and fixed way. When instruction set changes are required. but in the case of Microprogram control programs stored in a special control memory and are based on flowcharts. They are replaceable and ideal because of their simplicity.
3) ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit)
An ALU is an integrated circuit within a CPU or GPU that
performs arithmetic and logic operations. Arithmetic instructions
include addition, subtraction, Although multiplication and division
are sometimes used, these operations are more expensive to make.
Addition can be used to substitute for multiplication and
subtraction for division.and shifting operations, while logic
instructions include boolean comparisons, such as AND, OR, XOR, and
NOT operations.