In: Computer Science
Create a testbench in Verilog for the following module (logic). Verify the testbench works in your answer. I'll upvote correct answers.
This module does the following. The algorithm takes an input between 0 and 255 (in unsigned binary and counts the number of ones in each number (ex. 01010101 has 4 ones). Then the output would be 00000100 (4 in binary because there are 4 ones.
The test bench would need to verify the inputs and outputs of each number. Test 5 different numbers and ensure the output is expected for the input.
module logic(
input [7:0] A, //input is between 0-255, so 8
output reg [3:0] ones // 0-3 because, at max there can
be 8 ones. As, 8 can be represented in 3 bits.
integer i;// declaration of vailable i
ones = 0; //initialize count variable.
for(i=0;i<8;i=i+1) //Iterate all
the bits. As input lies between 0 & 255, so, 8 bits.
ones = ones + A[i]; //Adding the bit to the count.
Given module is to sum individual bits of a 8bit binary number using for loop. In test bench we declare outputs as wire and inputs as reg. We give sample inputs from test_bench to check the performance of the module.
output :
If you want to change the output ones to binary instead of decimal replace 'd' in monitor with 'b'
raw_code :
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module testlogic;
reg [7:0] A; //declaring input
wire [3:0]ones; //declaring outptu
logic v(.A(A),.ones(ones)); //instantiation of logic module
initial begin
$monitor("A = %b , ones = %d",A,ones); //to display output
#10 A = 8'b01010101; // checking with test cases
#100 A = 8'b00000100;
#200 A = 8'b00110001;
#400 A = 8'b00000000;
#500 A = 8'b11111111;
***do comment for queries and rate me up*************