Solve the following using paper-pencil and upload it in .PDF or a photo embedded in MS...

Solve the following using paper-pencil and upload it in .PDF or a photo embedded in MS Word before the due date.

The following are the approximate quantities of 1 yd3 of concrete:

Original Adjusted Constant Air Adjustment
Cement 515 lb ? ?
Water 305 lb ? ?
Fine aggregate 1,120 lb ? ?
Coarse aggregate 1,830 lb ? ?
Air 4 % ? ?

Check the volumes of these constituents and adjust the quantities, if required, to produce 1 yd3. GSSD (RDSSD) is 2.68 and 2.65 for the fine and the coarse aggregate, respectively.

In: Civil Engineering

What is resonance? Is it possible to experience a perfect resonance or it is just a...

What is resonance? Is it possible to experience a perfect resonance or it is just a theoretical term?

In: Civil Engineering

How do you describe dynamic behavior of the building?

How do you describe dynamic behavior of the building?

In: Civil Engineering

"How would you define your musical identity? Did you have music classes in your early years...

"How would you define your musical identity?

Did you have music classes in your early years that contributed to your musical identity?

Did you ever have private or group instrument lessons?

In: Civil Engineering

How do you describe earthquake motion and wind forces?

How do you describe earthquake motion and wind forces?

In: Civil Engineering

How do you define undamped, underdamped, critically damped and overdamped structures? Derive the necessary equations and...

How do you define undamped, underdamped, critically damped and overdamped structures? Derive the necessary equations and draw necessary pictures.

In: Civil Engineering

List the main thermal zones in a cement kiln. Describe the process in each zone. -...

List the main thermal zones in a cement kiln. Describe the process in each zone.

- Dehydration zone (up to 500°C)

- Decarbonation zone (between 500°C to 950°C)

- Solid-state reaction zone (between 950 °C to 1350 °C)

- Clinkering Zone (between 1350°C to 1500°C)

- Cooling zone

In: Civil Engineering

Which ASTM cement is most appropriate for the following construction applications? What types of mineral and/or...

Which ASTM cement is most appropriate for the following construction applications? What types of mineral and/or chemical admixtures could be used for each application? Give reasons for your choices.

  • Construction of an exposed aggregate concrete wall.

In: Civil Engineering

Describe the concept of Effective Stress

Describe the concept of Effective Stress

In: Civil Engineering

Which ASTM cement is most appropriate for the following construction applications? What types of mineral and/or...

Which ASTM cement is most appropriate for the following construction applications? What types of mineral and/or chemical admixtures could be used for each application? Give reasons for your choices.       

  • Construction of a transfer plate with a thickness of 2 metres.


In: Civil Engineering

Which ASTM cement is most appropriate for the following construction applications? What types of mineral and/or...

Which ASTM cement is most appropriate for the following construction applications? What types of mineral and/or chemical admixtures could be used for each application? Give detailed reasons for your choices.

  • Construction of concrete pavement (open traffic on the next day).

In: Civil Engineering

Which ASTM cement is most appropriate for the following construction applications? What types of mineral and/or...

Which ASTM cement is most appropriate for the following construction applications? What types of mineral and/or chemical admixtures could be used for each application? Give detailed reasons for your choices.

  • Construction of a bridge pier in the sea.

In: Civil Engineering

As a group of engineers with basic Visual Basic skills, you are asked to provide your...

As a group of engineers with basic Visual Basic skills, you are asked to provide your client with a user-friendly macro-enabled Excel spreadsheet that can be used to calculate the deflection and bending moment of a simply supported beam and a cantilever beam. The spreadsheet will provide a user-friendly interface to allow the client to: i) define the type of beam (i.e. a simply supported beam or a cantilever beam); ii) define cross sectional properties of a given beam structure; iii) define structural parameters and materials. e.g. a main page will allow for a user friendly interface that lists all the individual regular shapes that form a complex shape with options to add more regular shapes to the composition via a button etc. This could lead to another interface that will allow the client to define the parameters of each individual shape (preferably in another sheet). Once the parameters are entered the client will be returned to the main sheet where the details of the newly defined shape will automatically be added to the list of shapes. Once the entire cross-section has been defined, the Excel spreadsheet will calculate the overall second moment of inertia via a button. Challenges (Optional): • An image will automatically be produced when the various shapes are added. • More than one material can be added to the shape in this Excel sheet. STAGE 2 – PART 2 (Maximum Bending Moment and Deflection) Similar to Stage 1 of the group project, this part builds on the information obtained from part 1. Your clients are bridge engineers who want to calculate the deflection and bending moment of their beams. A button on the main page will allow the users to open a new interface to define the load and properties of the beam so that they can calculate the deflection and bending moment of the beam. The user will be given the option to choose any of the following load configurations on the beam. • Concentrated point load • Uniformly distributed load • Uniformly varying load Once all this information is entered, Excel will automatically compute and present the results of the beam’s deflection and bending moment. Hint: Formulae for simply supported beam and cantilever beam can be found online. Challenge (Optional): Plot the shear force diagram and the bending moment diagram. STAGE 2 – PART 3 (Report) Once the cross section and the maximum bending moment and deflection of beam have been defined, the user will be given the choice to press a button to automatically generate an A4 printable report based on the input and calculations produced in this Excel sheet. This report will summarise the parameters that the user has put into Excel and display the results in a way that is simple for the client to interpret.

In: Civil Engineering

Air is flowing in a 1.5 m2 wind tunnel at 200 m/s at a pressure of...

Air is flowing in a 1.5 m2 wind tunnel at 200 m/s at a pressure of 250kPa, and temperature of 20°C at the entrance. Calculate:

(i) Mach number

(ii) Total Temperature

(iii) Total Pressure

(iv) Mass flow rate of air.

In: Civil Engineering

1. Talking to on-campus recruiters, strong leadership skills is the most frequently mentioned attribute sought in...

1. Talking to on-campus recruiters, strong leadership skills is the most frequently mentioned attribute sought in college graduates. Discuss the importance of leadership to the effective management of construction projects. What differentiates management and leadership? What makes a good leader? Share an example of good or bad leadership that you have personally experienced. Lastly, where do you stand in your personal growth as a leader? What skills do you seek to improve before graduation?

In: Civil Engineering