The annual precipitation measurements (Pi in cm) for M city, over a 20year period are shown...

  1. The annual precipitation measurements (Pi in cm) for M city, over a 20year period are shown in the following table. Determine the mean, standard deviation, and skew coefficient for this series.













































  1. Annual precipitation measurements (Pi in cm) for M City, were given in Problem 1. Determine the magnitude of the 10-year precipitation depth if the data fit:

  1. the normal distribution.
  2. the Gumbel distribution.

How many times was the P10 (normal) exceeded in the 20-year annual precipitation record given in Problem 1 ?

Please clarify each step of the solution

In: Civil Engineering

The annual precipitation measurements (Pi in cm) for M city, over a 20year period are shown...

  1. The annual precipitation measurements (Pi in cm) for M city, over a 20year period are shown in the following table. Determine the mean, standard deviation, and skew coefficient for this series.













































  1. Determine the mean, standard deviation, and skew coefficient for the log values of annual rainfall for M City, given in Problem 1. Also determine the mean precipitation (in cm) of the log-transformed data.

please clarify each step of he solution and do not use Microsoft Excel

In: Civil Engineering

Assignment title: Construction Project Planning Develop the List of Activities, encode, and describe them, of a...

Assignment title: Construction Project Planning

Develop the List of Activities, encode, and describe them, of a Warehouse project

In: Civil Engineering

A 1" pipe buried 2' deep runs 40' from house to outhouse. Frost depth = 3',...

A 1" pipe buried 2' deep runs 40' from house to outhouse. Frost depth = 3', so a trickle must flow.

a) Say it's laminar flow, at 75% of the velocity needed to make Re=2100. Find that velocity, gal/day carried. Use p=1.94slug/ft^3, m= 2.2*10^-5 lb-sec/ft^2 in this and the following Re problems.

b) Find the head loss hl=hp and the pressure drop (psi) over the l=40'

In: Civil Engineering

1. Horizontal siding may be attached to wood studs or sheathing. directly to wood studs. using...

1. Horizontal siding may be attached

to wood studs or sheathing.

directly to wood studs.

using bolts.

directly to sheathing.

2. Structural steel members are

designed, fabricated, and assembled in the shop.

shop fabricated and site assembled.

site fabricated and site assembled.

shop fabricated and shop assembled.

3. Light-gauge steel studs are attached to top and bottom tracks using




bolts in predrilled holes.

self-tapping screws.

4. A length of LVL lumber is more likely to warp or deform than sawn lumber of an equivalent size and length.



5. Light-gauge steel studs are attached to top and bottom tracks using




bolts in predrilled holes.

self-tapping screws.

6. A length of LVL lumber is more likely to warp or deform than sawn lumber of an equivalent size and length.



7. Distinguishing characteristic(s) of platform framing construction include (choose most complete overall answer)

continuous studs from sole plate to rafters.

a level working platform from which to erect each floor.

built-in fire blocking between floors.

continuous studs from sole plate to rafters, a level working platform from which to erect each floor, and built-in fire blocking between floors.

a level working platform from which to erect each floor and built-in fire blocking between floors.

8. In which of the following situations would a light-gauge steel connector be used?

Connection between a roof truss and a top plate

Connection between members of a top plate

Connection between a post and a beam

Connection between floor joists and subfloor

In: Civil Engineering

What is MPS? What is the role of MPS in the job design?

  1. What is MPS? What is the role of MPS in the job design?

In: Civil Engineering

1. Write at least two sentences in your own words to explain the difference between the...

1. Write at least two sentences in your own words to explain the difference between the confined aquifer and unconfined aquifer.

2. Answer True or False and justify your answer:

    a. The porosity of a clayey soil is about 40% while the porosity of a medium sand soil is also 40%. Therefore, both of these soil types will have the same specific yield.

    b. Confined aquifers have a larger specific yield than the one from the unconfined aquifer.

In: Civil Engineering

describe a critical path as it relates to preparing schedules for the design phase of a...

describe a critical path as it relates to preparing schedules for the design phase of a civil engineering project

In: Civil Engineering

Two limestones (LS1 and LS2) have LoI (loss on ignition) values as 40% and 33%, respectively....

Two limestones (LS1 and LS2) have LoI (loss on ignition) values as 40% and 33%, respectively. a) Calculate the total amount (%) of impurities in these limestones; b) State which of the quicklimes obtained from these limestones slakes faster.

In: Civil Engineering

Poplar wood contains 50% cellulose. Pure cellulose extracted from wood can enzymatically be converted to glucose...

Poplar wood contains 50% cellulose. Pure cellulose extracted from wood can enzymatically be converted to glucose C6H12O6 with 90% efficiency.

  1. Write down a balanced chemical reaction for the conversion of glucose to ethanol (CH3CH2 OH).
  2. Use this equation to calculate the theoretical yield of ethanol from one-ton of poplar wood.
  3. Calculate the actual yield of ethanol from one-ton of poplar wood if the fermentation efficiency (glucose to ethanol) is 95%.
  4. Determine the gasoline equivalent of ethanol in part C above.

In: Civil Engineering

Write a paraphrase of this: Properties of Waste: The characteristics of waste must be known in...

Write a paraphrase of this:

Properties of Waste:
The characteristics of waste must be known in order to facilitate the development of waste management systems.
Ø Physical Properties
Specific Weight (Density)
· It is mass per unit volume (kg/m3)
· It is very important factor in the design of a solid waste management system like, storage, transportation and disposal, the density of solid waste varies greatly, this due to the geographical location, season and storage duration.
· And it often refers to uncompressed waste.
Moisture Content
is defined as the ratio of the weight of water (wet weight - dry weight) to the total wet weight of the waste. The maximum amount of moisture is recorded in food residues and the waste of the courtyard. Moisture content helps in generation leachate in solid waste, thus an increase in its weight and the cost of collection and transportation.
analysis Procedure:
Take a sample of the solid waste in a container and then weigh it.
Next, place the sample in the oven in a 105 ° C temperature for 24 hours.
Then take the sample out of the oven and weigh it.
Calculate the moisture content using the formula shown below:
% of Moisture = (Wet weight- Dry weight)/ (Wet weight) x 100
Particle Size and Distribution
It is necessary to know the volume and distribution of waste, this is to recover materials, especially when using trommel screens and magnetic separators.
For example, large-sized iron elements cannot be separated by a magnetic belt or drum system.
The size of waste components can be found using the following equations:
Sc = L
Sc = (L+w)/2
Sc = (L+w+h)/3
Sc = size of component, mm
L = length, mm
W = width, mm
h = height, mm
Field Capacity
It is the total amount of moisture that can be kept in the waste sample subject to gravity withdrawal.
Field capacity is very important in identification the formation of leachate in landfills.
Permeability of Compacted Waste
Ø This property is important because it controls the movement of liquids and gases in the landfill, it is depends on Pore size distribution, Surface area and Porosity.
Ø Chemical Properties
Proximate analysis of flammable components of MSW includes several test:
· Moisture (drying at 105 oC for 1 h).
· Volatile flammable materials (It ignites when there is no oxygen at 950 degrees Celsius).
· Fixed carbon (combustible residue left after Step 2)
· Ash (weight of residue after the burn in an open crucible)

Fusing point of ash: The temperature at which ash is generated from burning waste will form a solid (clinker) Which will be formed by fusion and agglomeration.
fusing temperatures: 1100 - 1200 Co

Ultimate analysis (major elements)
· Includes the determination of percentage of C (carbon), H (hydrogen), O (oxygen), N (nitrogen), S (sulfur) and ash.
· Halogen selection is often included in the Ultimate analysis.
· The result are used to determine the chemical composition of organic matter in MSW they are also used to identify the appropriate mix of waste materials to achieve appropriate C/N ratios for biological conversion processes.
Energy content:
Energy content can be determined by:
By using a full scale boiler as a Calorimeter.
By using a laboratory bomb calorimeter.
By calculation.
Most of the data on the energy content of the organic components of MSW are based on the results of bomb calorimeter tests.

In: Civil Engineering

Write paragraphs of this: 1. Introduction: Common practice of design and construction is to support the...

Write paragraphs of this:
1. Introduction:
Common practice of design and construction is to support the slabs by beams and support the beams by columns. This may be called as beam-slab construction. The beams reduce the available net clear ceiling height. Hence in warehouses, offices and public halls sometimes beams are avoided and slabs are directly supported by columns. This types of construction is aesthetically appealing also, These slabs which are directly supported by columns are called Flat Slabs. However, Flat slab is a reinforced concrete slab supported directly by concrete columns without the use of beams. Flat slab is defined as one sided or two-sided support system with sheer load of the slab being concentrated on the supporting columns and a square slab called ‘drop panels’. This project is shows the plan of a flat slab construction and design for a Residential Flat (G+5 floors) in Muscat, Oman (As shown in the figure). The slab directly rests on the column and the load from the slab is directly transferred to the columns and then to the foundation. In addition, this building consist of 5 spans of 6.75 in x direction and 5 spans of 6.85m in Y direction . Also, the total slab thickness is equal 250mm with effective depth of span 205mm, effective depth of support column 305mm and 45mm clear cover. Th

In: Civil Engineering

There are four critical paths in a network. A-B-C-D-E, A-F-E, A-B-H-J-K-E and A-S-T-E. Each activity in...

There are four critical paths in a network. A-B-C-D-E, A-F-E, A-B-H-J-K-E and A-S-T-E. Each activity in this network can be crashed by a maximum of 2 weeks. The crashing cost (per week), for the first week, for activity A is: $540, E is $545 and all other activities is : $135 (per week per activity). The crashing cost, second week and onwards, for activity A is $1080 per week, E is $1350 per week and for all other activities is $405 per activity per week. You have a maximum crashing budget of $2300. The maximum possible reduction in the project duration will be:

Select one:

a. 3 weeks

b. 4 weeks

c. 5 weeks

d. 1 week

e. 2 weeks

In: Civil Engineering

1. For federal contracts, what are the differences between a Value Engineering Proposal (VEP) and a...

1. For federal contracts, what are the differences between a Value Engineering Proposal (VEP) and a Value Engineering Change Proposal (VECP)? In your response, discuss what they entail and the profit share to both parties under the VECP.
2. What are the advantages to the owner, if his/her A/E value engineers every bit of design done in his/her offices? What other recourse does the owner have to optimize costs and what could be the consequences to the A/E if he/she refuses to value engineer his/her design?

please help ASAP

In: Civil Engineering

Soda and lime are added to glass batch in the form of soda ash (Na2CO3) and...

Soda and lime are added to glass batch in the form of soda ash (Na2CO3) and limestone (CaCO3). During heating, these two ingredients decompose to give off carbon dioxide (CO2), the resulting products being soda and lime. Compute the weight of soda ash and limestone that must be added to 170 lbm of quartz (SiO2) to yield a glass of composition 78 wt% SiO2, 15 wt% Na2O, and 7 wt% CaO.

Part 1

You are to compute the weight (in lbm) of soda ash and limestone that must be added to a certain amount of quartz to produce a particular glass composition.First, compute the lbm of both Na2O and CaO that is necessary for the particular glass composition that is given in the problem.

What is the weight in lbm of:

(a) Na2O


(b) CaO


Part 2

What is the molecular weight in g/mol of the following:

(a) Na2O


(b) Na2CO3


(c) CaO


(d) CaCO3


Part 3

Finally, convert the lbm of Na2O and CaO to the pounds (mass) of soda ash and lime that will need to be added to the SiO2.

What is the weight, in lbm, of (a) soda ash and (b) lime that will be added to the SiO2 to make the glass outlined in the problem?

(a) lbm
(b) lbm

In: Civil Engineering