1. explain the differences between reinforcing and prestressing and the relative advantages and disadvantages of each...

1. explain the differences between reinforcing and prestressing and the relative advantages and disadvantages of each
2. under what circumstances would you use pretensioning, and under what circumstance would you use posttensioning?

In: Civil Engineering

In the lecture videos you have seen different techniques to visualize flow field and gather qualitative...

In the lecture videos you have seen different techniques to visualize flow field and
gather qualitative and quantitative information flow characteristics. Obtain information
about new laser based techniques for measuring velocity fields. Give some information /
examples of case studies on their usage on following topics at differe nt disciplines using
scientific literature: building aerodynamics, a utomotive a erodynamics , river flow,
offshore structures.
This part should not exceed 2 paragraphs . You can use library website to reach
scientific databases and online resources . Cite your references at the end.

In: Civil Engineering

With the aid of annotated digram, critically explain the application of various construction materials for Civil...

With the aid of annotated digram, critically explain the application of various
construction materials for Civil & Infrastructural projects as well as comparing the
physical characteristics of construction materials
1. Low rise building
2. High rise building
3. Pavement project

- Should be .DOC
- The length of essay should be between 1500 - 2000 words.
- The report shall be typeset
- Formal report format is required
- Photos are appreciated in the report
- Reference should be provided

In: Civil Engineering

1. Construction Management, Inc. (CMI) has a safety awareness program, but it does not seem to...

1. Construction Management, Inc. (CMI) has a safety awareness program, but it does not seem to be working. CMI’s president and his two vice presidents developed the program themselves and implemented it company wide six months ago. Unfortunately, they have seen no decrease in the number of accidents and incidents. What possible problems do you see with CMI’s safety awareness program? What changes or improvements would you recommend?

2. Employees of Bearden Construction Company have begun to complain regularly about Josh Randall. They say that his behavior has become unpredictable and that he blows up at the slightest provocation. One employee even said, “This guy is going to hurt somebody.” To each complaint, the supervisor’s response is the same: “Be patient. Josh is a good man. He’s just dealing with some personal problems right now. He’ll get over it.” What do you think of the supervisor’s response to employee concerns? How do you think this situation should be handled?

In: Civil Engineering

What is the information to be furnished during the planning and design stages of report on...

What is the information to be furnished during the planning and design stages of report on the work- activities in an engineering project?

In: Civil Engineering

Convert the following dimensions from Civil/survey lengths to Architectural lengths Converted dimensions must be to the...

Convert the following dimensions from Civil/survey lengths to Architectural lengths

Converted dimensions must be to the nearest 1/8”.

  1. 44.21’                                           6.   7.08’

  1. 28.36’                                            7.   31.19’

  1. 52.45’                                            8.   18.83’

  1. 100.79’                                          9.   66.66’

  1. 80.24’                                            10. 94.98’

In: Civil Engineering

Write to defend the view that it is engineering advisable or not to use different detailing...

Write to defend the view that it is engineering advisable or not to use different detailing of reinforcement for rehabilitated structures

In: Civil Engineering

A major road with a design speed of 90km/h intersects a minor road whose design speed...

A major road with a design speed of 90km/h intersects a minor road whose design speed is 50km/h. If the right of way of the main road is 20m while that of the minor road is 10m and that the two roads are perpendicular to each other, calculate the size of the sight triangle.

NOTE: The right of way is measured from the centre of the road. (According to TRH170

In: Civil Engineering

Undisturbed soil sample was collected from the field in steel Shelby tubes for laboratory evaluation. The...

Undisturbed soil sample was collected from the field in steel Shelby tubes for
laboratory evaluation. The tube sample has a diameter of 71 mm, length of
558 mm, and a moist weight of 42.5 103 kN. If the oven-dried weight was
37.85 103 kN, and Gs 2.69, calculate the following:
a. Moist unit weight
b. Field moisture content
c. Dry unit weight
d. Void ratio
e. Degree of saturation

In: Civil Engineering

Name: Add (Clockwise) 68° 16' 04" to each of the bearings and azimuths below. Result shall...


Add (Clockwise) 68° 16' 04" to each of the bearings and azimuths below. Result shall be typcial bearing or azimuth 3 points each


New Bearing


N 11° 37' 44"W


S 10° 17' 28"W


S 44° 43' 32"E


S 72° 27' 28"E


N 66° 43' 14"E


S 45° 58' 55"W


N 89° 16' 28"E


S 87° 11' 33"W


N 35° 31' 14"W


N 57° 43' 32"W


New Azimuth


78° 22' 16"


190° 17' 28"


135° 16' 28"


107° 32' 32"


66° 43' 14"


225° 58' 55"


89° 16' 28"


267° 11' 33"


324° 28' 46"


302° 16' 28"

In: Civil Engineering

Classify the types of porosity that occur in ingots and cast parts and list the important...

Classify the types of porosity that occur in ingots and cast parts and list the important factors that determine their occurrence. List the practical steps which must be taken if porosity is to be kept to a minimum in aluminium alloy with a wide freezing range cast in a sand mould.

In: Civil Engineering

Derive the elastic lateral torsional buckling formula of a cantilever I-beam subject to a concentrated load...

Derive the elastic lateral torsional buckling formula of a cantilever I-beam subject to a concentrated load at the end. The load is applied at the top of the flange.

In: Civil Engineering

For each of the following civil engineering systems, identify one or more of the following: physical...

For each of the following civil engineering systems, identify one or more of the following: physical component, abstract component, rules or procedures for operation, the environment, goals or objectives, and measure of condition or performance:

a. a rail transit system

b. a hydroelectric power generation system

c. your university’s sport stadium

d. a pedestrian timber bridge spanning a large creek

In: Civil Engineering

Part A – Organizational Management (Functional, Project, Matrix Organizations) A company is undertaking several complex large-scale...

Part A – Organizational Management (Functional, Project, Matrix Organizations)
A company is undertaking several complex large-scale high-technology design-build projects, requiring many high skilled engineers (structural, electrical, mechanical, piping, other). Most of the engineers are in such high-demand that they are working on more than one project concurrently.
As the project manager in charge of one such project, which form of organization (of the 3 discussed in “Organization Structures for PM”) do you recommend implementing?
Explain why the 2 other forms would be inefficient or ineffective.
Which organization structure (Project, Functional and Matrix) is most representative of the “CM at Risk” project delivery system described in the recent course materials on Contracts and Project Delivery Systems?

In: Civil Engineering

A coal-fired power plant proposes to burn 3% sulfur coal with a heating value of 11,000...

A coal-fired power plant proposes to burn 3% sulfur coal with a heating value of 11,000 Btu/lb. If the plant is to meet the standard of performance given by EPA New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), what percent cleanup is required for SO2? What percent sulfur could the coal contain if the standards are to be met with no clean-up devices?

In: Civil Engineering